Saturday, January 30, 2021

July 1944: A tendency to use the back of the envelope

This letter was in an envelope postmarked July 15, so it's out of order from when Jack wrote it. 

 July 6 1944

Dear Ma

I scribble you a note while I am setting around here on the line waiting to get a ship. They got us up at 4 this morning & now we can't fly till around 10 so nice.

The tell us our General is comming in today for an inspection so we will have to have everything nice and pretty for him. Those guys kill more time when they come to a place.  

I didn't get much sleep last night after all, I got to bed early enough but couldn't get to sleep. It wasn't because I didn't need to sleep because I really did. I finally got to sleep around 1130 or 12 so you see I have a slight tendacy to be sleepy today.  

The sun is starting to come up & is starting to get hot again. Every one around here says it will get even hotter a little later on but I hope not. We are wring wet with sweat most of the time. I droped off to steep the other day, with my flying cloths on & when I woke they were nothing but sweat. It's hard to get laundry service here so I guess I'll have to wash & iron some cloths myself. I got my only clean uniform dirty yesterday so I don't have any thing to stand inspection in.

I suppose Wayne is having quite a time while home. I still with I were there to help him celebrate a few things

Well I have a few things to do to will close now


Refer back to the last post with the letter following the General's visit.

This letter is also postmarked July 15.

July 13, 1944

Dear Ma

Well I have a few minutes to my self befor I go flying so will write a note. 

I had a tooth filled this morning, against my own will. I got in this morning around 8 & slept for a hour & had to go get that done. It wasn't so bad though the dentist was really a swell guy he tried his best to keep out of the nerve but couldn't.

I went up to Ada again last night & had quite a time. We drank some beer & then went up to town & was picked up by some college girls with a car. Some fun. Don't tell Nene though she might not like it. 

I got a letter from each of the runts to day & almost thought the were wanting some thing but I guess they weren't. 


I know I never finished this but I was so tired I had to get a little sleep. 

This is suppose to be our day off but they messed it up for us. We had a formation last night a 7:30 & another one this morning at 830 so I haven't done much up to now. I don't have anything to do until tomorrow at noon but will probable be a good boy & stay home. 

I flew the other day & was so tired all I did was sleep, well the pilot didn't like it too well so I better start getting more sleep. 

You can tell the kids to fire the candy through if they want to. 

Theres nothing exciting happening around here just the same old routine, Fly & classes & heat. I wish we could get a little of the rain you are getting we really could use it. 

Well I'll close & press some cloths. 


Showing the back of the envelope: Gram had used red pencil to figure something. Just including it as an artifact. I like to think about my family holding these items, and I wonder what Gram was figuring here. It looks like she was perhaps figuring earnings for the month? The left side has numbers corresponding to the calendar days. She multiplied her figures by .30. There are dollar signs in the final figures.

30¢ is equal to $4.41 today, so the $45 range was equal to about $660.

I don't know what she was working on, but I can picture her at the kitchen table, red pencil in hand, working out the money.

There are some words and phrases that resonate with me and tell me, yup, that's Jack. Today, it is the word "tendency" (or "tendacy" as he spelled it). It's just a word that he used often, and I can hear him

My scanner is fighting me, so that's all for today! Stay tuned!