Tuesday, July 25, 2023

End of March, 1945: Waiting to Go Home


March 18 1945

Dear Ma

I'll try to drop you a line to night to let you know I am still around. I haven't heard any more about when I am to leave, infact I am almost beganing to wonder if I am to leave.

I haven't been working the last few days – they haven't been able to find me. When they do they will probably really throw it at me. 

I got a Vmail from Bo yesterday but thats all. I havent had any mail, except 3 Vmails, in about 2 weeks. I sure wish it would hurry up and get here.


It looks like I pulled on of your stunts grabed a different kind of stationary.

We have been having fair weather but it could be a lot nicer. Its been just a little too chilly and windy. I guess thats the best you can expect in March though.

Well will close and try to write some more letters


I'm glad Jack went into hiding. It sure seems unfair that they ask these warriors to do the dishes before they go home!

Interestingly, the stamp was ripped off this next one and so the postmark is absent. In all the letters so far, Gram has not saved the stamp. She did note "Rec 3/29" on the envelope.

March 21 1945

Dear Ma

Just a short note tonight. I have been rusing around mad trying to get ready to leave but still I haven't gotten any thing done. I have been rather sick all day – had a nice head ack and feel all run down. I don't know whats wrong but I really feel low.

I still have evey thing to pack and can't seem to find where to start. May be I'll get it done in time to pull out tomarrow. I hope


We have been having typical March weather. Nice one day and not so good the next. Oh well I won't have to take it much longer. I'll let Wayne have it and he can do what he wants too.

Well will close now


If you don't get too much mail from me in the future you shouldn't worry. I'll try to keep you posted. 

March 25 1945

Dear Ma

I guess I better get on the ball to let you know I am still alive. I know I haven't written you in several days but theres nothing to write about. I have done KP once and the rest of the time I just lay around and sleep. We also have nice long chow lines here, that helps to kill a couple of hours a day. We are suppose to get some detail here but I have been lucky so far – maybe I shouldn't talk because they will probably get me tomarrow.

As usual I haven't had any mail but really don't expect any. I suppose I'll be getting all your letters when I get home. 

I have been beating my brains out trying to find something to read these last few days. Maybe it would help if I went over to the Library – loo lazy.

I have been dreaming a lot about home of late. Nene seems to be in all of them and she is allways rubbing the fur the wrong way. Tell her she better look out because when I do get home I'll spank her for it.

I haven't run in to any of my old buddy but expect too. Webster ran in to a couple of fellows he knew.

The weather was nice here but turned off cold to day. I sure wish it would stay warm. It even tried to rain yesterday but had stoped when I got up.

We have to get up at 6.30 – which darn near kills me. We then fall out at 8.30 then about 930 I fall back in and stay until dinner. I go out and stand in line about a hour for chow then fall out about 1:15. I fall back in about 2:30 and sleep until about 5. Stand in line for about another hour and then come back and rest up after such a hard day.

Well I can't think of any more to write so will close



There are no letters to Margaret during this period. 

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