Thursday, January 12, 2023

Photos of the Boys & etc

Many thanks to my brother Charles, who took Jack's old negatives and scanned them. Thanks to him, I have photos to share! Here are the boys, around the barracks.

I don't know who is who, except for Jack of course. You can assign the names to who you would like to think they are. To remind you, his crewmates were:

Pilot Henry F. Kale
Co-Pilot Delbert C. Rohr
Navigator Donald H. Eaton
Top Turret Gunner James B. McGarry
Radio Operator Stanley N. Perez
Most frequently at Nose Gunner James W. Davis 
Ball Turret Gunner Bernard C. Eutsler (Jack)
Tail Gunner John A. Webster 

Not many of them have insignia on them, but those that do are not officer insignia. I think the officers spent time elsewhere, so you may want to assume that these men are the gunners and Perez, the radio operator.





Here are photos of Jack's trip to Scotland. He had warned us that the photos weren't that great. You can see  what I believe is Scott Monument as well as Edinburgh Castle, as well as other sights.

And lastly, you may remember in a 1942 letter to Margaret from Washington when he was working in the shipyards, he mentioned seeing a barrage balloon. He snapped a picture of it.