Tuesday, September 13, 2022

February 11, 1945. Finally! An answer to The Question!

I've been posting age before beauty, so first here is his letter to Gram on Feb 11, 1945.

Feb 11, 1945

Dear Ma

Well I'll try to answer the letters I recived from you today. I got a bunch, I guess evey one recived mail today though. I have been trying to answer them all but have been doing a poor job of it

Say when you go up & see Dad Kruse tell him I have better sense than he. At least when I go where it's high I wear a chute, tell him I'll check I'm out when I get back. I do hope he is feeling better by now. 

I got another O.L.C. yesterday so that makes 3 for me now. Bo wrote saying she wished I should let her wear one. If she only know the size of them she wouldn't have ask. They are almost big enough that if you look twice you can see it. Oh well so much for that. 

That Neva sure is doing O.K. for her self. I don't need to say I hope she keeps it up because if she doesn't I'll whip her. That Nene I have gotten so I don't even claim her any more. Any one who would flirt with the men folks with such things in mind ought to get thrown out of school. Well any way she got what she was after and after all thats what counts. May be I should try such tricks but I just can't seem to impress the men folks. Oh well when 4 make good you can expect one flop.

I guess it's ok the way you had the air metal engraved. it's too late now any way. It doesn't make a whole lot of difference, I'll probably never look at it any way. It doesn't pay any thing looking at it so I won't be able to waist my time.

It seems Marie did ok for her self – I sure hope she is happy and some nice snake doesn't bit her. It liable to kill the snake & we wouldn't want that to happen.

I heard the boys from Con [?] moved so I'll give the idea up. They say they moved that group out.

No I wasn't hamming in the picture I just wanted to show I had one. Maybe that will hold Gene a while. Tell him I want him to make me some shoes when I get home so he better start thinking about it now. 

It sure started out nice this P.M. first it started to rain - then sleet & then both. The wind also was blowing 90 per so it was nice out all day. Me I just stayed in the barracks.

Well I guess maybe I have run down so will close


Let's have another look at the air medal and the O.L.Cs, shall we?

The clusters really are quite little

Not sure who Marie is.

Not sure where "the boys" were moved from. I thought maybe "Con" which he has used to abbreviate Concordia (Kansas), where he lived as a boy. 

And now.....

Feb 11, 1945

Dear Margaret

Here I go again, I'll bet you think I am really sick or something writing so often. 

I recived your letter in reply to my question. Well I am sorry you can't see it my way but if you considered it and rejected the whole idea thats that. May be you are right and may be not but that gets no one no where so what do you say we just drop it with that. 

It did hurt but thanks for the straight out answer any way.

I sure got a lot of mail to day infact just a little too much for one day. I got 2 from you, about 4 from Florence, 3 from Ma and belive it or not one from Wayne.

Wayne didn't have a whole lot to say, just the same old bitching about the army. He wanted to know all about combat and I tried my best to tell him. Its hard to write much because if they ever censored then I'll be thrown in the guard house.

No they don't wear Kilts in Scotland – at least not where we were. They say some of the old timers still wear them in the highlands. Of course we didn't get up that way so I wouldnt know about that. We did see some Boy Scouts running around in Kilts but thats all. I'll have Ma send you a picture I had taken with them on. Don't die laughing either. I sent them in a package and now am hoping the thing doesn't get opened along the line. 

The brought around my 3rd cluster yesterday so thats another point for getting out of the army. I wish I had enough to get out now but I'll probably end up being one of the last one's out anyway.

You ask what that explosion was – it was a V-2 hit about a mile from here. I don't belive it did any damage though because we never any thing about it.

How bout you dreaming about them even me I am not quite that bad. I never have dreamed about combat and I hope I never do. Id hate to get any worse than I am.

So "Dear Mal" is still building airplanes. I don't get it I thought she would give it up befor this. I don't belive she ever settled down so long in all her life. 

Say did you know Gene (Louies Bro) got his discharge from the army. He injured his back here in England and they let him out.

Well maybe this is enough for tonight so write soon. And don't say tomorrow do it today.


Well, that's that. We'll have to wait four long years for the wedding.

I suspected that she wouldn't say yes this time around. It's not Mom's style to jump in like that.

...I'll have more letters posted soon.