Sunday, August 30, 2020

A week in September 1943: shenanigans and boredom

A couple contextual notes about the family situation. Jack's mom was a new widow (her husband died February, 1941). She was living on a preacher's pension and still had two daughters at home, Herbie and Nene, who were 17 and 15 when Jack was writing these letters. She had two older daughters as well, Bo, age 23, who we've met, and Tuck, age 22, who was already married to Jim.

Jack, being the man of the family, took his role as provider very seriously, as we shall see through his letters. 

Here is Jack writing in September, 1943. Boredom is setting in....


Sept 11

Dear Ma

This is going to be short but sweet.

I got a letter from you yesterday so it gets cold in New Mex. The people up here all think that's a very warm state but I keep telling them different.

I haven't been doing very much as usual and don't expect to do anything. It has been rather warm here in fact it got up to around 86ยบ and this is getting pretty hot. Oh well all we try to do is sleep. Yesterday the fellow in the next room sure made a lot of noise from about 5 to 8 and I never said a thing. Louie couldn't sleep either. We came in this morning & I saw he was still asleep so I let out a shrill whistle and Louie about broke the stairs down. He came out and ask us to quiet down he was trying to sleep. Just wait till he does it next time I'll let him know we are trying to sleep too. I don't mean mebby either. 

Well it's cloudy again today so I guess it will stay a little bit cooler

Am enclosing #40 hard earned dollars so please handle with care. 


[and a picture of a jackass's ass]

Sept 15 '43

Dear Ma

May be I ought to try to write you but as usual I don't have any thing to write so all I can do is try to think up some thing.

It hasn't been raining much of late in fact I forgot how long it's been since it last rained must have been a week or two anyway. It was warm for a few days but has cooled off some the last few days. I have been afraid to look out for fear of going blind. 

Every one here is worried about the draft. It looks as though it is going to get a few of the draft dodgers They say the personnel office is packed with them also the draft board.

The have also been talking about putting us on a 9 hour day & having only 2 shifts and every Sunday off. It would avg. us 2 hours a week more than we have it now. I don't know how it would work out but I think we have the best set up we could want, we only put 8 hours on the job and only supposed to work 7 it would really add 2 hours a day to us. We get paid for our lunch time the way it is the other way we wouldn't. Oh well they wouldn't do it the way I want them to so what do I care.

Well only 3 more shifts & a day off a happy day. As usual I guess we won't do much but kill time. 

Every one is talking about going deer hunting. the season opens Sun. I would like to go but what would I do with one if I got one & I don't have a gun so I guess there's not much sense in wishing. 

Well I don't have any more to write so I'll close & hope you get this before or on Sat.


[postmarked September 18, 1943]

Sept – 43

Dear Ma

I'll try to drop you a line (if you have fallen over board) and also some cash. 

It is our day off and we will probable go to the show as usual. I don't know what else we have to do. I went out and had heels put on my boots the ones that were on them weren't any good and steel is hard on heels.

It is very nice day if it doesn't rain and it looks like rain.

We had quite a week last week. I have been working harder since I got back than I think I ever did before. I don't know about weather or not we are going on the 9 hour day as to yet we haven't heard a whole lot more about it. I have heard we do and then I have heard that we don't. Personaly I don't care so there too.

Well I'll continue this after a short delay of taking a shower washing a few cloths & etc.

I got the pictures yesterday thanks a lot. Would you please send me those pictures I took at Taos I want to show them to a few guys out here.

Well I'll close like you do. Your one letter I had to look twice there if there was any thing in it. Enclosed is what you want any way. $45 cash.


  • He sent $40 and $45 this week. This would be $595 and $670 in today's dollars.
  • Yes! He mentioned working harder "since I got back," so he must've gone home to New Mexico for a while.

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