Saturday, September 26, 2020

March, 1944: Las Vegas Army Airfield

 Jack has shipped from Buckley Field, Colorado, to Las Vegas Army Airfield, Nevada

Here is the envelope from his first letter home from Las Vegas, Nevada to Las Vegas,  New Mexico

Gram had made some penciled notations about fabric yardage. I guess she didn't heed Jacks's stern entreaty to give up the sewing. 

We have some new stationery. There's a picture of a little winged baby dragon thing* backed by a V. The dragon is holding a machine gun and it reads "AIM WELL - SHOOT STRAIGHT". Underneath it reads, "LAS VEGAS ARMY GUNNERY SCHOOL - LAS VEGAS NEVADA" 

* I did some research and found the little winged baby dragon thing is a horned toad, the mascot of the gunnery school. He was named Machine-Gun Pete. Also, interestingly enough, Machine-Gun Pete has his place in the history of graphic T-shirts! See this about a Life Magazine cover story

Return address reads: 

Pvt. Bernard C. Eutsler
A.S.N. 39215612
Student Squadron 3#
Class 44-19
Las Vegas, Nevada

March 14 1944

Dear Ma

I guess you see where I am & approxamatley what I'll be doing for the next 8 or 9 weeks. We arrived here this morning about 3 A.M. so you see we have had a lot of sleep the last few days. We left Buckley at about 10:30 Sun morning. We were in snow practically all the way in fact it has been snowing here. They claim it is the first time it has snowed here in 2 and a 1/2 yeas so we figured the last time it snowed was a summer. We had a fair trip but it got dreadful tiresome toward the end. I got KP the first day out so my O.D's sure looke pretty now. We didn't do any thing while on the train & nothing while off, one reason we only got off once & that was in Salk Lake & it was for about 15 min. 

They tell us we will go to school for about 8 weeks & then get our wings & go home on a 15 day delay in route. I hope that's so the but the army is so change able that we never know just what to believe. From what they tell us we are going to really be put over the ropes in the next few days. When we finish the course we will get the whole sum of a P.F.C. but I would just as soon home then jam it.

We didn't go into town so we don't know what it is like but as far the surroundings it is pretty much desert with mountains. I don't think I will like it too much here but theres not much I can do about it but take it.

We have 2 story barracks that are rather nice a whole lot better than at Buckley & the chow here is better. We have had some pretty good meals here of course any things good if you are hungry.

Say would you write and tell Bo & Tuck where I am & tell them to hold off with letters until I move again. We won't be at the present address for much over a week or 2. Tell them I'll write and later & let them in all that is happening. 

Well I'll close & mail this. 


Note: P.F.C. stand for Private First Class. This was one grade up from Private. 

March 17

Dear Ma

I guess I ought to write & let you know where I am but to tell the truth I just don't quite know my self. We have moved & don't know if I'll get the proper address on this or not. We moved in to a squadron & when you get in one of them you are supposed to start to school. Thats the catch we don't know if we are going to start this week or not. 

I had K.P. yesterday morning from 3AM untill 2 then they sent me back to the barracks & told us to report back at 830 so we had a all night shift of it. I also have to go back to night and work from 8:30 untill 4. 

I haven't felt very good today for some reason when I woke up this after noon I was so dizzy I could hardly stand up. I proceeded to wash some cloths & go back to bed & when I got back up I felt a little better.

The first couple of days we were here it sure nasty weather but it has turned off very nice the last few.

March 18

Well I got all pooed out befor I finished this last night so I'll finnish it now. 

I put in my shift of K.P. last night and don't  have to go on to night – a happy day

We had to go out on parade this afternoon it didn't last but about a hour. It sure wasn't very good if you ask me.

We start to school tomorrow so that makes me happy. The sooner we start the sooner we get through. 

Well I guess I'll close as I have a lot of things to do


March 20 44

While I have a little time I'll try to write you a little note so you will know the Nev winds haven't blown me away.

We started yesterday morning but about all we did was see a picture show & lay around. I missed a roll call because I was looking at a wrecked B17. They didn't say much but told us not to let it happen again or else – .

I still am under the weather but feel a little bit better today. I would go on sick call but if I did it would set me back & I don't want that to happen I know you will sing your old song but when you get something in this army you hate to drop out because you may never get another chance at it. 

I guess we won't draw any more detail while we are here. They say while we are going to school we don't get any & when we get through we ship & get that good old 15 delay in route.

I don't think much of this state of Nevada its a whole lot worse than N.M.  the mountains don't even have trees on them it is really a desolate state. The sun even comes up in the west & goes down in the east. 

The wind has been blowing to day & I mean blowing. when It blows here the state of Nevada moves. We keep about 1/2 the state in our barracks alone.

I went out & shot the 45 again we shot it about the 2nd day we were here. I shot a 78 with it. That's sharpshooter so I feel pretty good about it.

Well as usual I have run out of anything to write so will close. 


P.S. Your letters Haven't caught up with me yet. I hope you received the cameras. 

  • The first mention of a B-17. Jack doesn't know it now, but the belly of a B-17 will become his home away from home in a few short months. 

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