Monday, October 26, 2020

May, 1944. Graduation from the school to learn to kill.

Here we get a little confusing. I'm posting them by postmark, as Gram would've read them such, so bear with me.

Written May 6, 1944 and postmarked May 6, 1944. 

May 6 1944

Dear Ma

While I am setting around trying to think of some thing to do I'll write you a letter.

We got our wings today so that part of its over with now. It wasn't much of a graduation, a short speech & etc. We had to stand retreat to day & I guess the sun got me down, I had nose bleed shortly after we got back. The sun is so hot it just wilts you. We can't even get the barracks cooled off at night when we go to bed & then when we get up every ones cold. 

I got a letter from Tuck today & she said she would come to Lincoln to see me If I can't get away to see her. I am going to see If I can get a 3 day pass when I get there but If I can't I'll have her come down. 

We ship out Mon. & will probable be in there around Wed. I am not sure that's where we are going but thats the best rumor out. They were nice enough not to ship us out on Sun though - probable because the trains aren't running right on Sun or something. They have been shipping most of them (the other Squad out on Sun. 

We got Grounded Sat so I didn't have to fly & was I happy. It gets very boring flying all the time.

I got the kids a pair of earring & will send them to them If they want them. I really think the design on them are nicer than the ones I have. 

Ohyes we had our picture taken today so I will send it to you after we get it It's one taken of about a 1/2 of the fellows who graduated today.

Well I'll close for now -- I'll write you my new address as soon as I get it.


This letter is dated May 3rd but postmarked May 9th, 1944.

May 3rd '44

Dear Ma

As usual I'll just try to write you a letter while I have a little time.

We have been flying since we got back from the springs & thats about all. Its a pretty easy life all but for getting up at 4. We don't do a thing until 7:30 so we usually catch a hours sleep after we have roll call.

I don't know if I told you or not but I had my hair cut off. I got rather put off about no delays enroute so I goes down & told the barber to cut it off. It's a lot easyer to keep clean this way & since we never go any place any way I. might as well be comfortable.

We have been having rather warm weather in fact hot weather. I flew high altitude the other day & by rights I should have had a flying jacket on but it was as warm in the plane I had just fatigues on. We flew camera mission yesterday, thats shooting a plane with a camera & seeing how you shoot. Personally I didn't think I did so good but I don't think it counts much any way.

Well we only have 3 more days left & then I graduate so you can tell Nene she won't be the only one who doesI guess this is a little different though, she goes to school to learn to better the world, I go to school to learn to kill. Oh well it can't last for ever. 

Well I can't think of any more to write. Oh yes, I got a letter from Glady & one from Wayne so I did all right. 

Well I'll close 



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