Saturday, February 13, 2021

July, 1944: Sleep deprived.


July 20, 1944

Dear Ma

Belive it or not but I am staying in for a change. We have tomorrow off all but for one formation so I'll probable take off after that.

Neva wrote & said you & the rest of them had been sick on chicken, well you had nothing on me. I ate some in town a couple of days ago & it sure made me sick. I couldn't sleep that night a got up to fly at 3 AM, well I got out in front of the barracks & the chicken Decided to get up too so I let it fly. I thought  after it came up I would be OK so went over & ate breakfast but no more than got back when it came up. I decided that was enough so I told my pilot I wouldn't fly that day. I guess he thought I had been out drinking but so help me I didn't have even a short beer. I went on sick call & the doc gave me a dose of salts & so from then on I thought I was going to bleed to death but didn't. My stomach still hasn't settled down to the extent to where I can eat.  I guess the weather has some to do with it. 

It has been hot up to today & we had a breack. It started raining this morning & rained until about 3 oclock. It cooled things off nice though. Infact it's just a little too cool this evening. One thing about it though. I'll be able to sleep good tonight.

I guess I better get plenty of sleep to night because I am planning on going to Ada & probable won't get any tomorrow. We went up there day befor yesterday & 2 of us had  8 college girls out. We really had a time of it. They were a lot of fun all in all, but the left for home the next day. We really have a lot of fun up there it's a town of 15,000 & no M.P's or very many G.I.'s. Its a fact the women pick you up, the college girls ask us to walk with them & etc.

Tell those Runts to keep up there letter writing. One of these days when I don't have so much time off I'll answer there letters. You see I figure I better do all the running around I am going to be cause a little later we won't have so much time off. Also it won't be too long untill we will be flying over water. 

Well belive it or not but I have to wash some cloths so will close for now


Next we have a 3-page letter on new stationery. At the top is the USO flag with clouds in the background, and along the bottom it reads: 


July 23 1944

Dear Ma

While I am waiting here for a fellow to make up his mind about when we are going home I'll try to write you a note. 

I haven't been doing much of any thing lately. I went to Ada the other night but didn't do much. I went with 3other of the crew but around 8 oclock I lost them & didn't find them till I got back to camp. They went out to some civy's house & ate chicken so they said. I havent caught up with my sleep since. I guess I'll never catch up with my sleep while I am here. We just have too much time off that's all. I guess later on we won't have so much time off so I'll be able to get a little more steep

Tell those kids I'll send that watch the next time I get a check. I was figuring on sending it tomorrow but I have a formation at 930 & probable won't get up till 9.

It's been so hot the last 2 days we haven't been able to sleep when we get a chanch. We just lay there & toss & turn a bout 1/2 the night. We usually get to sleep around 2 or 3 o clock in the morning

We have to fly tomorrow and the next 2 days. It will kill me in the end but maybe I'll be able to catch a little sleep while flying. 

On thing about it its allways a lot cooler up there so if we don't get too cold we sleep good. Every once in a while it gets so bumpy though we can't do much good. My Pilot turned in in for anothe strip today so if I get it I should have it around the 1st of the month. I hope for the sake of the money. It will mean $99 a month befor they take out everything. I'ld get about 60 of it – O happy day.

Well May be I ought to close & get back to camp & get some well needed sleep


Jack's promotion and added stripe will come with a raise in pay to $99/month, or today's equivalent of $1463. $60 net is about today's $886.


July 24, 1944

Dear Ma 

Don't drop over dead from getting too many letters from me all of a sudden but while I have the time I'll try to drop you a line. 

I got the candy today & its darn good – so the gang says. What I got of it was all right but I tasted better from home. Oh well they don't know good candy when they get it. No Kidding It was good. 

Well belive it or not it rained today & from the weather report you must of had a cold spell today. It started raining some time last & has kept it up all day & looks like it will keep it up tonight. It has made it turn off a little cooler but it's still plenty warm though. 

Say I think I'll ask you to send me my camera. We can have one here if we register it so if you get around to it please send it I think I'd try taking it over seas with me that is if I get a 1/2 a chance. My pilot said it would be OK with him so I think I'll try it. 

I am so sleepy tonight I can't hardly keep my eyes open. I don't know why I should be so sleepy be cause after I got back last night I really slept. I guess I'll be able to sleep all right to night though that is if it keeps raining. 

Well the boys are pestering me so I'll close for now. 


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