Friday, March 12, 2021

Mid-September 1944. Running afield, beer party, and leaving Ardmore

Sept 13 1944

Dear Ma

I'll write you a little note now & here while I am setting around doing nothing. 

We had our clothing check yesterday & I came out o.k. The fellow ask me about socks so I turned in 2 pair & he gave me 6 back so I did all right there . I also got some other stuff I had lost through the ages & didn't have to sign for them. They took away our gas mask & tin hat so there's that much less to carry. We still have plenty & will probable get more at the next place. 

It seems like the hottest rumor says back to Lincoln. If we do go back there I hope Margaret will be able to come down & spend a day at least. They tell us to be ready to ship the 16th for sure. 

Well I had to fly today & it looks like I'll have to fly again tomorrow. We had quite a time I made 2 landings & 2 take offs. The one take off was so bad I was about ready to bail out. I left the run way all together & took off a cross a field. When the pilot looked up he was sure a cussing & laughing. It was a good thing the field wasn't wet or they would probable still be digging us out. To top it off I almost took a couple of trees with me. I'll still let the pilot have it & Ill run the ball turret.

I has been sort of cool here of late so its not so bad here. We even get cold at nights with a blanket on.

Well I'll close for now


Sept 15 1944

Dear Ma

Well I'll write you a little note – for the last time from dear old Ardmore. I guess it's certain that we are shipping tomorrow if we don't I'll be mad because they have all my cloths. We are going too have a stand by inspection in a bout 30 minets to see if we are going to leave the barracks clean

It turned off rather warm to day but it is still nice & cool at nights. I hope it isn't too hot in Lincoln. I don't know how long we are suppose to be there but it probably won't be too long. 

We had to fly again yesterday & were going to fly over Vegas but it started to rain so we only got 2 hours in. I have my flying time in for this month so I don't have to worrie about that. I thought for awhile I wouldn't get it in but now I have the whole sum of 6 hours in for Sept. 

You  see we have to have 6 hours I mean 4 hours a month to draw flying pay.

We ar e going to have a big beer party tonight so I suppose every one will feel like shiping tomorrow. I think they said they had about 250 case of beer so it ought to be enough to drownd the sorrows of all those who dare. 

Perez went to the hospital this AM so we don't know if he is to ship with us tomorrow. He said he would if he had to go a.w.o.l. from the hospital but I don't know. He has been sick evey since he came back from furlogh.

Well I guess I'll close for now & will write when I get there


Did he finally learn to spell probably correctly? Or is it just an odd pen mark? We will probable find out soon.....

Sept 16 1944

 Dea Ma

I recived your letter this AM so I'll set still a few minints and answer it. 

I have another letter I wrote you yesterday & this one will conterdict (?) the other one some what. We aren't shipping today – no cattle cars to get us out on so we have to wait until Mon now to ship. I only kept one suit of sun tans out & by now they are dirty what will they look like when I get there. I did put on my fatigues on so I'll save them that much. 

We had the beer party last night & it went over big. There were broken bottles all over the place & in general it was a mess. They had a band & about 30 girls for about 180-200 guys. I never saw the like of it befor – if they had had some whiskey it would have been worse yet. I went to bed a little bit a head of the rest of the bunch & every one who came in had to wake me up or pull by blanket off me. Webster drank a little too much so he kept pestering me – he wanted to smoke in bed and was afraid he would to to sleep smoking so he wanted me to stay awake to make sure he didn't set the bed afire. 

Its been a little warmer here the last 2 days & it almost looks like summer is comming back. I do wish it would stay cool or at least until we get out of here. 

Well the rumor about going to Lincoln is strong enough that we can bank on it by now. I still haven't heard how long we are suppose to stay there, you see we are the first bunch from Ardmore to go back there. 

I suppose you wonder why we didn't go up to Moultons Sat AM but we din't get up till 1030 or 11 & were to meet Maggie at 12:30 so we really didn't have time. 

Well I think I'll close for now & get Margaret K a letter so maybe I'll be able to see her in Lincoln



Sept. 17, 1944

Dear Ma

Well it looks like we are to ship for sure tomorrow but you know the army funny things are liable to happen. They told us this AM that we were to fall out at 8.30 & have all our stuff with us but I heard another rumor that the train doesn't leave until 1400.

We haven't had a thing to do the last day or so just lay around & get sack time. We will have to check our bedding tomorrow morning befor 830 so I suppose I'd have to get up a little early.

I have taken in a couple movies but they weren't much. It was more or less just to kill time. We have had so much of it that we have to do some thing. I suppose when we get to Lincoln they will probable keep us so busy we won't know if we are coming or going. 

Its still warm here but I don't belive it's quite as bad as yesterday. Oh well to night should be our last night here. 

Well I'll close for now & write as soon as I get time in Lincoln. 


Here's our answer. He probable will never spell that word differently, nor minet, befor and belive.  😉

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