Friday, October 22, 2021

Early November 1944: Black Market Ham & Eggs

My plan to post by postmark has gone out the window, as Margaret did not save the envelopes. I almost can't believe she didn't, but she didn't. She had the letters neatly laid in a file folder. It would've been too fat with envelopes, I guess. Anyway, on dates that are the same, I'll be posting Gram's letters first and then Margaret's. Age before beauty!

But in the meantime, here is a letter to Bo dated November 1, 1944 (postmarked November 8). We haven't had a letter to Bo in a while!

Nov 1. 1944

Dear Bo

Having recived a letter from you I'll write one in return. 

So you are doing all right with your school teaching. I was glad to hear it because I was afraid you might not like it after last year. Of course you have a different bunch of kids to teach, and you started in a little different at the start. 

I suppose you are wondering how I like England? It's all right, but as you would expect I would rather be in the States. The people are different in some respects & to my notion are a little be hind times. The big means of transportation is bikes (I bought one yesterday)


The drinking places are small, the people don't raise hell when they drink they are very quiet. The roads are very narrow almost one way, of course there aren't may cars on them. The cars are small, they are Astons so you can see what they look like. The trains arent too bad Ill give them credit for starting & stoping very smoth.

The weather is a lot like Wash. Always cool & damp and almost no sunshine.

I am still with the same crew. They really a swell bunch of fellows. We all get a long swell in spite of ourselfs. 

The boys in the barracks don't belive in going to bed very early, don't turn off lights until around 1 A.M. I have almost gotten use to sleeping late in the mornings.

Don't feel bad about shouting "there goes a B17 because they are the Best 4 engin ship in the air. Maybe some of them didn't know what it was any way.

I suppose Ma writes you about all I write here so I imagine all I have written you is old stuff. 

Well I better close for now as I may have to get up early in the morning. 


Don't you like the writing paper. 

This letter to Gram was also postmarked November 8, 1944.

November 3 1944

Dear Ma

Here I go again trying to write you a letter. You see I got one from you today, it was dated Oct 13. Its still not comming in like it should but as to yet you haven't used the perm. A.P.O. No, it will probably make a difference. The fellows say it should take about 10 days each way of course sometimes it will probable longer & some times shorter. 

So Glady is home & feeling o.k. I am glad to hear she is getting a long alright. If she and Nano would stop worrying so much about little things it would probably help. You never see me worrying over such little things like they do. 

I haven't done much of late except ride the bike around a little. We went to a small town about 5 or 6 miles from here yesterday. Its quite a odd place, evey thing is so old. I saw one tombstone dated 1772 & I don't suppose it was the oldest. We watched a game similar to our football only a little rougher. Believe it or not but we stumbled in on a place where we could get ham & eggs also fresh eggs milk. Its all black market, but its still taste good. I guess thats the way it goes, if you know the right people. 

We saw some wild rabbits yesterday so Jim & Perez are building a trap this PM to try to get them. If they do we will probably eat rabbit. 

I had to get up early this morning so I got a chanch to catch some sleep this afternoon so did so.

The weather has been bad of late, just keeps raining & is very cloudy. I guess winter is setting in. I hope its a mild winter if it is setting in, they say the last 3 have been mild so I hope to make it 4.

Well I'll close for now & go eat. 


And to Margaret on the same day:

November 3 1944

Dear Margaret

After a long wait I finally recived a letter from you. I should start right in on you & see if I can't get you to do better in the future. How bout it do you think you will be able to answer a little letter or should I do some thing drastic?

So you have been playing the horses, I thought you knew better. The bad part is you didn't win, next time at least you ought to get one winner. I sure wish I could have been there to go to the fair but uncle couldn't see it, he says there a war on. Its too bad you didn't take in something besides the races, I imagine it was a.very interesting

So Goldie had pups, I guess that will give you something to do in your spare time. I sure wish there were some way of sending a dog over, I would ask you for one. I guess I am safe enough in saying that, but no kidding it would be nice to have a dog. I almost stole one yesterday but the fellow was standing too close. 

We rode our bikes down to a little town about 4 or 5 miles from here yesterday and took in the town. These towns over here really surprised me at there age & such. Evey thing is so old, the streets are narrow like Santa Fe. They still have there market places and still stop for tea. Thats about all you can get to eat when you are a way from the base. We did happen in on a place & got a nice plate of ham & eggs. They sure were good, blackmarker or no I still liked it. We even got some fresh milk. 

Yes Jimmy is still with me, most of the time any way. I had him pass out a altitude on me the other day, in-fact he went out 4 times. If there were ever a scared kid it was me, I was rushing around like a chicken with its head cut off. He called me a liar about it all because he couldn't rember any thing about it.

You also ask about how we left. We left Ardmore a couple of days late and went to Lincoln. We got all our equipment & such there & headed east. Thats about all I can say about that. I did get darn sleepy coming over out of 6 nights I only slept in a bed one night. 

So you found out all about China, now when you go there you will know all but how to talk. Some of these guys like that are very interesting to talk to at that. Me I would almost as soon talk or rather listen to the talk then be able to tell it. 

Oh did I tell you our Bombadier saw his bro. when we visited Iceland. He was quite happy about seeing him, it was his first time in 2 years.

The war seems to be going pretty good doesn't it. From my own point of view it's still far from being over though. It won't be over too soon for me because I am ready to go home any time. 

I guess I am a bout all run down so better close for now and go shave. 

Write soon


P.S. I guess you have the pictures we took while there. Ma said she would send them. 

It looks like Jack is starting to learn how to spell probably

I'm pretty sure that is Iceland and not Ireland, based both on handwriting analysis and the fact that Iceland had a U.S. base and Ireland was neutral during the War. 

Jack hasn't flown any more missions since the last batch of letters. 

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