Friday, December 3, 2021

Mid-November 1944

Apologies for the long interim....

We're back!

November 12. 1944

Dear Ma 

Maybe I ought to get off my lazy spell and drop you a line. 

Things are going along as per usual, not a while lot has happend since the last time I wrote. Eaton, the navigator, had his bike stolen last night and I guess he hasn't found it as yet.  The co-pilot rode it to a little town near here and didn't lock it when he left it. I guess thats all because there aint no more. 

I had to wash some cloths today -- I ran out. It just about kills me to have to do it but I still have to have clean cloths. I mean some what clean. I just put them in a bucket and boil them a while then rinse them out and call it a day. Boy am I worn out. 

About those color film, we didn't want prints make of them just send the negatives. Say have you sent the other pictures yet, if you haven't I wish you would do so. Don't get me wrong I suppose you have all ready sent them but I am just reminding you in case you haven't. 

The weather has been cold of late infact it froze the last couple of nights. When it freezes it's cold and I don't mean maybe.

I got a letter from Goodwins and they said the last they heard of Carol he was Some where in Germany. They didn't mention anything about his hearing or the such. It was a Vmail so I guess he is o.k.

Say when you write Jim O Conner tell him I can meet him at the Red Cross in Peterborough if its all right with him. He may have some other place he would rather meet me so have him let me know. 

I guess I bought to write my old pal Chas but I just haven't gotten around to it. Goodwins wrote he is working in some Hospital in Texas I think. I never have heard from Louie. I guess he has forgotten me, I did write him, from here but he never did answer maybe he will later on. 

Say you know it was just a year ago to day I raized my right hand and said I do. I just hope in a nother year I'll be doing just the opposite and be putting on civys. It's a nice thought anyway. 

Well I'll close & hope to get some of your mail soon


November 13 1944

Dear Margaret

Here I go again so polish those glasses and see if you can read this one.

As per usual I haven't been doing much of any thing. I did go to a class this afternoon and stayed for about 5 min. It got very boring so I sort of left. 

It seems as though they are going to break up our crew. To start with they took our Bombadier, I guess he's too good for us. I don't know if they will take any one else for a while but I look for them to befor too long. I guess thats the way it goes when you get a good bunch together. It seems like a lot of the crews are jelious of ours, we really get along swell together. 

You said something about that kid that told my fortune. I'll say he hit my shipping date on the head. He also got some other things right, but theres one thing I hope he messed up on. I personally don't want the Purple Heart. He told me I would be injured on the left side not serious but would catch it. I sure watch that side. I just pile flak suits on that side of the turret. Therse not a whole lot of room down there but I always seem to get some thing in there. 

I'll bet you can't guess what we have in the barracks now. Some guy got drunk and brought a cute little black pup. Its about the same size as the one you & Mal had. It cried all night lat night so this morning somebody put him it bed with them and it shut up. They feed it evey time they think about it and it's half sick all the time. I just hope they keep it up at there end of the barracks

The weather is still rather cold, too cold for me. It has been freezing the last few nights and that means it's cold. 


Gee it looks as if I didn't finish this so I better get busy and do so.

Things are the same as yesterday just 24 hours later. Nothing new has happened, there-for theres nothing new to write. 

I'll close for now so write soon -- don't wait to get a letter each time just set down and write. Have you had that picture taken yet if not why not? 

Well till the next time


You may recall he had his fortune told back in February when he was in Colorado. Here's the letter that described it. I hope he was watching the right side as diligently as he was watching the left. 

Side-note: the bombadier they had early on stayed in their crew through November, 1944, and then there were a bunch of missions without a bombardier. Weird. 

One of the stories I do remember from Jack was that a lot of airmen were "jelious" and wanted to be on their crew because they never had a casualty. This was very rare for B-17 missions!

And Margaret received a letter from Jack's Ma:

Nov 18 1944

Dear Margaret –

I am enclosing the pictures Jack ask me to send you. I have had several letters from him all three or four week old. It certainly takes a long time for the mail to come from England. 

In the last letter written he said, 'they were not doing anything so there was nothing to write and even if they were doing anything he couldn't tell me."  Very enlightening, No? Yet I am glad when he writes they are not doing anything, at least I feel there have not gone on any missions.

We had a nice snow the past week, but today the sun came out for a change and we really enjoyed sunshine again. 

The last letter from Wayne, he was busy instructing, had a change of offices and he has one now he had for a while a couple of years ago. 

He was undecided as to whether he would go deer hunting in Penn. with one of his friends or go to Vermont with another. The season there opens Dec 1.

Best wishes – 

Neva M. Eutsler 

Gram is not wrong. Even though the letters come late, we do not have any missions on record for this period. His last mission was on November 6, and he won't fly again until the 21st. 

Stay tuned.

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