Saturday, January 22, 2022

Beginning of December, 1944

Dec 1 1944

Dear Bo

Here I go writing just like I said I would.

I recived a Vmail from Goodwins today but they didn't say much of any thing. Of course, theres very few people who can say much on Vmail.

I made out a money order for $50 but I haven't gotten it yet. I am suppose to get it tomorrow so will enclose it as you probably all ready noticed. I want you to spend evey cent of it on Ma and the kids. If you spend more than that write me and let me know & Ill make it up. I don't want you to hoard any of it now. 


The weather is about the same as usual nothing new. 

I havent done a whole lot of any thing since I last wrote you. I did go to town yesterday afternoon but all the stores were closed so couldn't do any thing

We had to clean up the barracks today -- tomorrow is Sat and inspect day. I still have some shoes to shine and etc.

Well I can't think of any more to write so will close


This next one is crazy mail! Jack wrote it on December 2, 1944 and it was postmarked by the US Army on December 5. However there is an extra postmark dated Dec 28 1944 from Las Vegas, N. Mex. on the envelope and on the letter itself (on page 3!). Were the postal workers also working as censors? 

Speaking of censors, so far it looks like the censors are from the officers of the crew itself, not some anonymous bespecled mole in a government basement. The letter to Bo was signed off by F/O Rohr (the co-pilot of the crew), and this one by F/O Eaton (the navigator).

December 2 1944

Dear Ma

Seeing that you sent me some paper to write on I'll start off by writing you a letter.

I got the package this morning and was happy to get it. Those pictures sure are good, infact a whole lot better than I expected. I showed them to the part of the crew that was here and they all want prints of them. I'll have to take them up to the officers and and see what they want. I supposed each and evey one will want one of each but I'll let you know. I'll find out when I get Eaton to sign this letter.

Thanks a lot for sending the socks, paper & etc. The box was in good shape infact I had to tear it open to get it open. As you probably know I have taken over Jim's pen all ready I see it writes pretty good but not quite like the pen Nene uses. Some day I'll get a pen that will spell & write like it should.

Those pictures of Nano and Dad Kruse were sure good. I think that one of Nano in the house couldn't be any more like her with out it being her. 

I don't know if you sent Wayne any prints but I suppose he would like some if you haven't all ready sent them. Those pictures of Maggie were good too -- infact the whole bunch was darn good. Those Pictures we took in Ardmore couldn't be any truer to life than they are. It seems thats all we ever did was sleep and now I have the proof. 

The mail hasn't come in yet. I have been expecting a letter from you so maybe I'll get it today. I guess I wrote that just a little too quick I just finished it when they said I didn't get any so I'll just sing "NO letter today" I got a Vmail from Goodwins yesterday but they didn't write any thing. They Said Carol was still with the 1st army and evey one is well.

Don't fall over but the sun has been shining all day. The wind has been blowing so it isn't too nice out even at that. I do wish we would have hit another season here besides winter. May be we will be able to see the spring but I hope to see that in the States.

Say I wrote Bo a letter, which should get there about the same time as this, so please give it to her when she gets home if she isn't there all ready.

Well I'll close and go out and see about shooting some skeet. Maybe Ill see the officers then.

Didn't shoot the skeet evey one was flying so I had to go up and get the boys. They were all pleased with the pictures infact they all like them. They all want one print of each of them. Thats understood that they don't want the other ones. 

Please go and have 9 prints made of each and I'll collect the cash -- maybe I'll be able to use [?] it. You can put them in a package with some old beat up fudge or something to that effect. if that request isn't enough write a letter to your self & see if that will work. If that doesn't go up and See Harv Bloun [?]

I'll close now & get to bed

Love Jack. 

I wonder if this picture of my great grandmother, Jack's grandmother Nano, is the one he mentioned. It really captures her. 

And here is a photo of Jack's grandfather, Charles Frederick Kruse, aka "Dad Kruse."

Now we're caught up and back in a semblance of order. My last post had a letter to Margaret also dated December 2, 1944, along with a couple of the pictures from the batch Gram sent to Jack.

There haven't been any missions since November 26.


  1. These impress me because your father Jack Eutsler friendly wrote me many many times since I and my family left Los Alamos in early 1979. Hisao Kawamura from Hitachinaka, Japan

    1. Thank you for reading, and for your comment, Hisao! It's very kind of you!
