Wednesday, March 9, 2022

January 13, 1945


Jan 13 1945

Dear Ma

As usual I haven't any thing to write but will try to do so any way. The big reason of writing is to send the money order. I guess they sort of changed the name on it. I hope you don't have too much trouble cashing it. If they give you a song and a dance see Harvey and he will probably fix it up for you.

Well we had the inspections as per usual this AM. It must have been all right because no one said any thing about it. I woke up early this morning and was cold. I guess it's a good thing we have inspection at least it give me a chanch to make my bed. You see this morning it was sort of torn up all the coveres were on one side of the bed or the floor.

Did I tell you one of the fellows who does pressing here sure fixed up a pair of my O.D.'s It seems he was trying to press the soap or something out. In the end he scorched them in a bout a dozen places. It sure makes them look nice the iron marks give it that different look. 

It sure is a miserable day today – all rainy and such. I saw one plane go over at about 150 feet and you could just make the outline. It sure is soupy and I don't mean maybe. 

Well will close now and wait for the mail to come in. Maybe I'll have a letter

after supper.

It seems a few on the letters caught up with me. I only got 9 letter this afternoon so I'll try to answer them. 

As I told you befor I don't belive you had to send the clipping to the Blade because I ask to have it sent. It didn't hurt any thing though, I had the same thing in mind that you did. 

I didn't expect to write this much so from now on it's a puzzle. 

I haven't heard from any of the people you wrote saying were going to write. I do think I'll write Marg. E. and will drop Penny a line. I can't see writing them through after all they don't write or want to until I land over seas. 

You ask if I do any high altitude flying – well a little. It seems that about a month a goe I froze a ear but its all right now. It was rather cold on the last one about -43ºC. When we go over the target it seems like we can't get high enough. 

I didn't get the letter from Johnson but will write his home address as soon as I have time. I would like to here just what he is doing. 

I guess Gene gave you the right dope. From what you wrote he hit it on the head. I suppose he wishes he were back but thats neither here nor there. 

I got the picture of Jim and also the other slide. Nene wrote the pictures didn't come out too good. I was sorry to hear it. Maybe next time they will come out better. 

I hope the pictures get here pretty soon. I suppose they will be showing up eventually though. I wanted pictures that we took in the plane, just the ones of the fellows thats all.

Well it seems as if I have answered all the questions in your letters so will close and write soon more letters.


P.S. Don't put it in the paper evey time you recive a letter from me. 

Gee, I wonder.... Could the name on the money order have been misspelled Eustler

The puzzle comment refers to how he wrote on the paper. He folded it book style and wrote on half of each side like below. It sure was a puzzle for me to scan and crop!

Regarding altitude: The mission records indicate that they generally meet and make formation at about 15,000-19,000 ft and once they get to targets they are at about 22,000=28,000 ft. 

"Marg E." is yet a third Margaret, this time the wife of his Uncle Floyd. Penny is his aunt, Floyd's sister. Penny and Floyd are his father's siblings. 

He also wrote to our Margaret on January 13. This is the only time that she has saved his return address. It is the first use of S/Sgt for Margaret; I'm sure this is why Mom saved the return address. 

Jan 13 1945

Dear Margaret

Seeing I haven't recived any mail, or written to you, in a few day I'll try to write you now. 

We had a nice snow a couple of days ago, it must have snowed 6 inches. It snowed enough they got me out and had me shovel snow off the run ways. It almost got me down but I lived as usual. We cleared them one after noon and it rained that night so that would have cleaned them off. All that work wasted, of course I don't say any thing about the planes that were waiting to land I don't suppose they could have lasted until morning. To top that off I got in cold, wet and hungry, and they said I was to go on guard duty. I had to go back out and guard the planes all night. All in all I was rather mad when got through. 

I haven't done any thing else the last few days though. Just eat, sleep and lay around and bitch. I don't like this laying around all the time a guy gets nervious after a while, of course I don't like to work either. 

From what they tell me we are suppose to get a 7 day furlogh between now and the 1st. I still haven't decided where I'll go but it is very possible I'll go to Scotland. I think the rest of the gang is going that way so I'll tag along. They say it's very nice up there, and you can get food (steak). They say in places theres not many GI's so that will help some. 

I got a couple of clusters for my air metal so that means more points on getting out of the army. I wish I had enough points to get out now if that's possible. 

Well I'll close for now so write soon



I wonder why he didn't tell her he got a promotion. The return address is the only indication. 

No missions since the 10th. 

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