Wednesday, September 14, 2022

February 12, 1945. An Experiment


Letter I  Feb 12 1945

Dear Ma

Well to-night I have hit a good idea (at least I think is good) that I should have thought about 3 or 4 months ago. I am going to write you a airmail – a Vmail and a 1st class and see just how they do get there. I'll probably have quite a time thinking up enough to write but am sure going to try. Now if this ones not too long don't feel too bad.

I noticed the letters Glady writes get here as quick as your air mail.

I haven't heard any thing from Floyd nor any one else. I guess they have been putting it off. Oh yes I did get a letter from Carol or should I say a card. It was mailed to Buckley and has followed me on through. I didn't think it could have but it sure did. I did get mad about it because he never put a thing in it except "write when you can." I had just written him a few days befor & if I hadnt thrown a way his address I could send him some stationary and see if he can still write. 

If theres any thing that makes me mad is to get a card and nothing written in it. I can't see any sence in it. Its allright for civeys but thats as far as it should go.

My old buddy Graham's Mother was in Vegas a while back and tried to find you. She ask where Mrs Useless lived and no one seem to know, I could have shot him for it. I guess when he wrote about me he always refired to me as such and she thought that was the John Henry.

Oh well we all aren't perfect.

I'll stop this one and try to cook up some more. 


The envelope for the second letter has no stamp, just "Free" handwritten by Jack in the place where the stamp would go. Letters up to now have been sent Air Mail, at a cost of 6¢, the equivalent of about $1.00 today.

Letter No 2   Feb 12 '45

Dear Ma

Heres the 2nd letter written the same day. It will probably get there about the same time as the other so I won't explain it.

Say I never have sent any more pictures to you I think I'll just wait and bring them home. I should have those I took in Scotland by then also some more I have taken around the barracks. I have taken some of the boys here but they will probably want the neg. I'll just go a head and give them to the boys. I really don't care because the most of them I don't care that much about.

You say some bady [?] told of all the places they bombed. Me I couldn't care to have it known where I have. It might not be to healthy if something did happen. I'll tell you all about it when I get home, you probably won't be interested then.

The weather wasn't too nice to day it did warm up some but was cloudy all day and the wind was blowing. I still don't care for English weather.

Maggie wrote saying she had heard from Mal and that Mal is still working in the air craft building works out in Calif. I didn't think Mal could ever hold a job that long

Say ask Gene if he has ever heard from Louie and if he has been drafted yet. He didn't or hasn't answered my last letter. I would like to hear from him. 

Did I tell you Chas is a cook in some hospital in Texas. Godwins wrote me about that. 

I should write Margaret K a letter one of these days but I keep putting it off.

Oh yes they tell me I'm on a 48 hour pass. I am staying in like a good little boy, just cant see going out and giving these English my cash. I can have too much fun when I get home with it.

Say what would you think of going to Con on my furlogh. I guess I got a different color in when I filled the pen. Oh well you will be able to read it. I have been thinking about it, going back there for a couple of days. That's you and me we'll leave the kids there with the folks or some one. I don't want no back talk either. I'll tell you more about it when I get home and see how things go then.

I'll close and start on the V-mail.


So, I initially ordered the letters by postmark, as you may remember. The letter from the last post and these were all postmarked February 12 (Maggie didn't keep the envelopes for her letters). I looked through the box and did not see a Vmail postmarked February 14, but I did find the one below, postmarked February 26, but written on February 7! I think this gives good data about Vmail delivery for his experiment. I wonder if the February 12 Vmail was lost in transit or if it's tucked in somewhere I didn't see.

Feb 7 1945

Dear Ma

I have already written you one letter today but thought I would write this too. I suppose you have recived my letters telling about my 7 day. If you haven't, I have mailed a package to you with some stuff I bought in Scotland.

Things are going along about the same as usual, nothing new. The weather has cleared up some but wish it would clear up more. 

I haven't recived your package as yet but am looking for it in the next few days. There have been a few come in of late. The rest of them just got in but nada for me. I haven't recived any mail from you in the last couple of days but probably will in the next few days. Will close Jack.

I think he should stay away from V-mails.

No missions to report for the last few days. 

Next post will be a photo-sharing post! Watch this space!

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