Friday, December 30, 2022

February 17 - 20, 1945: boredom and then a mission


Feb 17 1945

Dear Ma

Seeing how I haven't written you in a couple of days I'll try to do so now. 

I haven't been doing a thing of late just loafing around. I haven't even bothed to try to shave. I guess I'll have to do that to night because tomarrow is Sunday and I might go to church. 

The weather has been 1/2 way decent the last couple of days – it's warmed up some maybe spring is here. I sure hope so – that is to a certain extent. 

I haven't recived any mail from you of late but there hasn't been a whole lot come in. There should come in in the next couple of days. Its just a bout time for it to come in.

They sure are getting mean about the uniforms we wear. If we don't have on the complete outfit they will pick us up. They say we are supose to be in Class A all the time. 

I'll wear the ones I have now until they fall off They are almost to that place now. It's so darn hard to get any thing cleaned here so I'll just go dirty.

I just can't think of any more to write so will close now


Feb 19 1945

Dear Ma

May be I ought to get on the ball and drop you a line. I sure have neglected my writting the last few days, I just haven't felt like writing and nothing has happened to write about. 

We did have an very nice day yesterday. Its was the best day we have seen in England. The sun was out all day and it was just a little too warm for O.D.'s Eaton & I walked down to a little village about 4 miles from here. I sure was played out when we got back I am just getting two old for such things – or maybe should I say too lazy. To day it looked like it was going to be nice but it clouded up in the afternoon, it did stay rather warm though. 

I haven't done a thing the last few days except lay around and nap.

I got a letter from Edyth yesterday it is the first I have heard from her. I got busy and answered it right a way. I doubt if she will be able to read my hand writing but may be it will give her something to do for a few days.

Well will close now hoping to hear from you soon


Feb 20 1045

Dear Ma

Having recived a Vmail, dated the 7, to day from you I'll try to answer it

I am glad Dad Kruse is feeling better by now. I hope it's not too long befor he can get up and around. Tell him I said some one liable to get off with the drug store some night and he wouldn't know about it until some one told him.

You know I happen to think that they only one's in the family who have ever broken any bones we those who fell off buildings. How about that maybe we ought to stay buildings keep both feet on the good old ground.

My brain ? just isn't functioning tonight. I don't know why I guess it's becausse I am tired. I worked rather hard to day and am just not use to it.

The weather wis still nice and warm. I guess the sun was out most of the day again to day.

I am still expecting some mail from you that hasn't come in. Maybe it will be in tomorrow I hope. 

I hope you have recived the package by the time you get this. Talking about packages I haven't recived that one from you as yet maybe it will be in, in the next couple days. 

I'll close with that


P.S. I made Staff

Jack finally flew a mission this day, the first one in almost two weeks. No wonder he was tired; he had to report to briefing at 4:45am, and the ship returned to base around 4:30pm.

Mission 275's targets were railroad marshalling yards at Nurnberg, Germany, aka Nuremberg. No aircraft were lost; no damages; no casualties.

He states he made Staff Sergeant, but his envelopes have had the "S/Sgt" notation in his return address since January 14. Hmmmm...

We're still in a Maggie-letter drought. Maybe he is still stinging from the news he "recived" on February 11. 

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