Tuesday, September 8, 2020

December, 1943: Buckley Field, Denver Colorado

We last left Jack at the reception center in Ft. Lewis, Washington, where he was excited to be accepted into the cadet program. He has now been shipped to Buckley Field in Colorado. 

These letters were placed in an envelope with a few other letters, so I don't have postmarks for them. 

Dec. 16 – '43

Dear Ma

Well I guess this letter will surprise you a little bit but It sure makes me feel good to be back in Gods country. I'll be station at Buckley Field but don't know for how long until I get there. I am not supposed to know where I am going but have known it since I've left Fort Lewis 

We have ridden pullman all the way so have had a pretty nice trip out of it – considering every thing. We have had a pretty good bunch of fellows with us so it makes the trip nicer. We just have one coach to our selves – except for this morning and they put the dinner on behind us & the (___) have been running through the coach all morning so we have to watch our language.

I don't know what we are up to now but I hope they station me there in Denver long enough to get at least a 3 day pass. I guess we will probable be shipped again in the near future but will write you soon to give you my address as to where I am & how long I'll be there.

It sure feels nice to have the sun come out once in a while. We are waiting for the train to pull out from Cheyenne so I guess the trip is darn near over.

We haven't done much on the trip except talk with each other & etc.

Well I guess I better close as some of the other fellows are eating to write a letter so will close for now. 

This one has a cool embossed seal on the stationery. "United States Army Air Forces, Buckley Field, Colorado"

Dec 19, 43

Dear Ma

I'll try to write you another letter but who knows when I'll finish it. 

As you probably know today is Sun & next Sat is Xmas & here I am.

The sun was out this morning but it has clouded up this after noon & it looks like it might snow in some ways I hope so but that means mud & maybe drilling in mud. 

We have had two good meals in the last 2 days steak. I imagine I got more meat on my tray for dinner than you had on the table today. I guess it won't be so bad but I would still like to be back in civilian life. At least you can do a few more things you want to. We are restricted to camp for 2 weeks so that will mean that I will not have gotten to town in over a month. 

Dec 20, 43

Well we are off K.P. & the Barracks are rather quite I guess all the guys are tired. We started out at 3 A.M. & didn't get off till 7 P.M. so you know we really had a long day. 

Well the fellows are talking so I'll close.


We had detail again today & they sure worked us to a frazzle. We (5 of us) unloaded 2 box cars full of clothing. It was sure heavy too most of it weight 50 lb or better.

They tell us we might get a 3 day pass for Xmas but they have a 72 mile limit on it. If I had 4 days I would try to get home but I don't so I'll take the pass & spend my time in Denver. 

Well I am so tired I can hardly hold my eyes open so I'll close. 

I haven't received any letters from you as yet but hope to tomorrow. 


Dec 28 1943

Dear Ma

As you see I got back but I sure was tired when I finally got here. I got a bout a hours sleep on the bus & got out here to the field about 5 AM & got up at 8:30 so I still didn't feel too good all day but I got through ok

I got all the mail ok after I got back & also got Ericksons card & the Runts letter today. I wasn't looking for any but it was a pleasant surprise.

We have been having it pretty easy the last 2 days; yesterday I had a small detail in the morning & nothing in the after noon. Today I had just a little to do so I got ready to go to town. They came around this noon & told us we could have a pass for tonight so will go in and look the place over. I don't know what we will do but will probable find something to do. 

It has been a rather nice day to day but has been rather cold out. I wish they would hurry up and issue us our long underwear. It would make it a whole lot warmer. It sure was cold this morning I know I got up & started the fire all the rest of the guy were to cold to get out of bed so I did it.

Well it's about time for the passes to be handed out so I'll close and try to write more next time. 



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