Friday, September 4, 2020

We're in the Army Now!

Pvt. Eutsler has been moved to Fort Lewis, Washington.

Return address reads:

Pvt. Bernard C Eutsler 39215612
CoC. S.C.U. 1909 (Reception Center)
Fort Lewis Wash.


Dec 5 - 43 

Dear Ma 

Well here I am and doing pretty good so far.

We were issued our clothes yesterday & also took our I.Q. tests. They gave us so many cloths I don't know what we are going to do with them all. As for the test I don't know what I made and really don't care much. 

We will probable start taking our shots tomorrow so probable won't be feeling so good.

The time has been going by rather fast as we haven't had a whole lot of time to our self but I guess thats ok too.

The food has been pretty good and they treat us ok so the most of us havent got much if any kick comming. It's not near as bad as I thought it would be but the hard part is yet to come.

I sure hope they ship me out of this place by Wed. I take it we will be here till at least Tues so am hoping. 

There was a pretty good bunch of fellows we came over with so I dont have any kick there. 

I got slightly interrupted so I will start again. We ate dinner which wasn't half bad but I guess it could have been a whole lot better. On the whole though the food hasn't been bad in fact a whole lot better than I expected. 

The sun is out again today I sure hope it stays out so it will have a chance to warm up a little.

I made out an allotment yesterday for you & Anita & they said you would get it with in 5 days (I hope)

Well I guess thats about all for the time being. At least you know I am alive 

Please don't write until I am settled 


Fort Lewis, Washington is a little southwest of Tacoma, about 40 miles from where he was living in Bremerton. It has been an air field since 1917 and was merged with nearby McChord Air Field in 2010. It has a little bit of a sordid history, like so much of the U.S., built on land stolen from the native Nisqually people. During the war the base housed a few dozen Japanese, German, and Italian people in the interment program before they were transferred elsewhere. For Jack, it was just the first stop in his wartime journey.

Dec 7 1943

Dear Ma 

Well I'll try to write you a little note saying I am still kicking - (and how)

We got 2 "shots" this morning one in each arm so some of the fellows arms are rather sore. As for me mine feels pretty good I hope it doesn't get sore. 

Our outfit got K.P. for tomorrow so I guess I'll have a rather busy day in fact it will be a 14 hour day and not time & a 1/2 for over time.

I also will have to take a test tomorrow I voluntered to cadet training and if I can pass I'll be setting pretty. If I don't I don't know just what will happen. I sure hope I make it though. I think if I do make it I'll be sent to Denver. 

We haven't been doing much except waiting on someone to rush us some place to wait some more.

Say I am enclosing a couple of papers so fill the top one out & etc. Then when I get located send it to me on your first letter – on the same day you recive the one from me.

Well may be this will hold you for the present because I have to leave in a couple of minutes. 


  • K.P. of course stand for Kitchen Patrol, seemingly the first stop for any newbie enlisted man. Who else has the vision of a soldier sitting on a stool peeling a huge pile of potatoes?
  • Cadets is the training course for air force rated officers: pilots, navigators, and bombardiers.  Here is really good information about the cadet program. It was a coveted position, of course. 

Also in the envelope:

Dec 10 '43 

Dear Ma

Well I am now in the air corp as a cadet, I made all my tests ok, and went befor the board this morning. 3 officers started firing questions all at once and they sure make a guy excited. But I am in so I'll just have to keep trying from now on out.

Please go up to Otto Zorns tonight and make him write me a letter of recommendation & please dont leave until he gives it to you.

Have been getting along ok and haven't gotten into any trouble so I guess thats ok too.

Belive it or not but the sun has been out for 3 days since we 

Please send birth certificat.

Well I am so excited I can't write anymore I'll send address as soon as am shipped.



My mom didn't know who Otto Zorn was, but I found his grave. He was a WWI vet. I hope he gave Jack a good letter of recommendation! 

Jack must've been excited about cadets; he didn't finish his sentence about the weather!

Next: shipped to Buckley Field, Colorado

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