Monday, January 4, 2021

Follow-up, February 1944: Dee Bibb in New Mexico Magazine

In a letter I posted a few weeks ago, Jack mentioned an article about family friend Dee Bibb, who was quite a character. A beloved New Mexico fixture, Dee was married to my mom's best friend Mabel. 

To refresh your memory, Jack wrote in his February 9, 1944 letter, "I got the N. Mex. mag & that article about Dee was all right."

The investigator in me went to work, and I found a short notice that had been published in the local paper, the Santa Fe New Mexican, about the New Mexico Magazine article. I made a cursory look for the magazine article itself, but when I found the website didn't have archives, I dropped my search. 

In reading Jack's letters to my mom, we discussed the magazine article about Dee, and she wanted to go to the library and try to find it. A trip to the library wasn't in the cards (there's a pandemic, after all), so I decided to contact the folks at the magazine. Luckily, despite the pandemic, they were able to help. They sent me a PDF of the entire February, 1944 issue. You can find it here or click the picture below. The article about Dee Bibb begins on page 13.

Many thanks to the Circulation Department at New Mexico Magazine!

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