Sunday, January 3, 2021

mid-June, 1944. Going My Way

Jack is still in Lincoln, Nebraska at aircraft school. His last letter was dated June 7, 1944. Not sure where he's been in the last nine days. Surely by now Jack and Gram would've heard the news about Operation Overlord, known now as D-Day. There's no mention of the war, though.

Today he foregoes his fountain pen and army stationery. He writes in pencil on a couple of sheets of plain rough paper. 

June 16 1944

Dear Ma

Maybe you have noticed I haven't written for a few days but I was sweating out a shipment. I have been placed on the supernumerary list so I didn't know just what the score was. They finally went off and left me here. From the best L. rumors I heard they went to La. the swamp country. I wasn't mad about not shipping with them even at that. I am hoping I can be sent to Souix City & take my training there. If it so happens I'll be able to live off the post & should get 3 day passes quite often.

It is plenty hot here in fact so damn hot. That's all we have been doing the last few days is sweat blood. The winds whipping it up pretty good now but its still plenty hot. 

I got the watch last night & the hands were sort of messed up but I fixed that so it seems to run fair. I'll send the other one home in a few days I am keeping it to check mine with. 

I guess I'll go on another shipment in the next few days. After we on on the alert we are here 4 days so I'll probable be here for 5 or 6 days more. I don't mind too much as long as I don't catch any detail.

I worked my way on to a sleeping [?] pass today. That means I didn't have any detail today. Some of the fellows don't see how I did it but I did. 

I haven't heard from any one the last few days except you so I can't write about that. That darn Wayne hasn't written me & I have written him about 3 or 4 letters since I got back. 

Well I'll close for now. 


This one is not dated, but it is postmarked June 20, 1944. Sunday would have been June 18.

June - Sun

Dear Ma

I guess I ought to drop you a line & get over this lazy spell. 

I haven't done a thing to day except loaf. believe it or not it's the 2nd day in a row. I found out this morning that it was Sun so I decided I should take it easy. I sort of walked out of a formation & never got back there for I didn't get any detail. 

I went to the show to night & I thought It was a darn good show. Bing in "Going My Way" It really is a good show you out to see it. It made me stop and think. 

It wasn't quite so hot today but it was still plenty hot. I took a sun bath yesterday but couldn't tell it. I didn't get sunburnt or anything. I went out again today but was out for just a few minutes.

I guess I'll sent the little watch home tomorrow. I am darn near tempted to keep it. I like it better than mine but I'll be good to nene & send it back. 

I don't know what's wring with me tonight. I just can't seem to write I guess my brains in a whirl. (what brain)

So Neva is really going to town with her work. May be she will be glad she took the typing after all. Has Nene taken any thing yet or is she planning on getting her's next year. 

Well I guess I'll close for now. 


Jack wasn't the only one who thought "Going My Way" was a darn good show. It was the highest-grossing movie of 1944 and was nominated for 10 Academy awards. It won seven Oscars, including Best Picture. 


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