Sunday, February 21, 2021

Mid-August, 1944: Finally got the camera

We have yet another type of stationery today! Gold embossed symbols of the Army Air Forces, including an encircled star and wings, a B-17, and a shield and wings, all surrounded by clouds. "U.S. ARMY AIR FORCES" is embossed below. 

Aug 17 1944

Dear Ma

Well don't fall over but we are having a nice shower. I decided to sleep out last night & woke up a bout 6 the wind blowing like mad & the sky was cloudy. I decided it would rain so I came In. A bout 15 min. later it cut loose so the other fellows woke up. When they woke up this morning they sure cussed me for not waking them up when I came in. 

I took my watch in last night to get it fixed & from what the jewler told me our dear friend Martin really fixed it. It will be sad day when I take any thing back to him. I also mailed some stuff home yesterday so if you get a box don't be surprised. 

The film in there is some I took in connection to ground school & the next time Wayne gets home have him show it to you.

Ill probable get some more befor I leave here. You see we are going to have a clothing show down again tomorrow so I have to get rid of a few things because they will take them a way if I don't. 

You have started planning a little too much about me getting a furlogh. It looks as though we won't get it now. We don't know what's happening around here. They tell us we are to ship the 24, 29 – 7 – 14 so when we ship God only knows. 

I haven't done any thing of late except lay around & sleep. Thats about the best thing we have to do any way.

Well I'll close for now


The letter below is postmarked Aug 20 1944. The Saturday he wrote this would've been August 19.


Dear Ma 

Well I have a minet so will drop you a shot note.

I got the camer yesterday & was happy to get it. Say how many pictures do you want to get on a roll. I started to take one & tried to turn it & it wouldn't turn so I decided it was jammed. I rewound it & count 41 frames. You know it only takes 36. Next time keep count a little better. I'll send the film home first chance I get. 

Well we flew a good mission to day up to Wichita then to K.C. & over to Springfield Mo & to Little Rock Ark & back here. K.C. is a pretty good town but I expected it would look bigger than it did. They sure have a big air field there the one I saw when I went there.

Its back nice & hot again this after noon I would be sleeping but its too hot. You see we got up at 3 this morning & didn't get to sleep until after 11 last night

I am staying in a gain I don't know any good reasons except am so tired & my finance is getting low so I'll just rest.

So the Kids all have to start back to school, well thats too bad. I sure wish I could start back but, I even grip when I have to go to ground school, Its not like the way it use to, this is to save your neck & that was to make some thing of your self. 

Well Ill close & get some sleep.


I had to go to town to get the camera. 

Here is the route the crew took that day. According to Google Maps, it's about 1000 miles. At the B-17 cruising speed of 150 mph (top speed 287), the mission would have taken them about 6.66 hours. 

Aug 22 1944

Dear Ma

I got a letter from you to day & you were very hopeful of me comming home well I suppose you better just for get about it. The latest rumors are no time off so I suppose we will be here until about the 16 of next month.

You ask about that big black thing I sent home. Thats a knife a jungle knife. I got it in Lincoln and just never sent it home.

Its still warm here & we havent been getting any sleep. We didn't land until 12,20 last night so I didn't get to bed until 2 & had to get up at 8. We go to ground school until 7 tonight & have bed check at 10 then get up at 3 in the morning.

I got another letter from Chas this morning & he said he only weighed 151 now. I guess he really must have lost some weight.

Well we have to go to school pretty soon so maybe I better close for now.

Stay when Florence gets settled have her send me her address.


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