Friday, February 19, 2021

Mid-August 1944. The pond is beginning to stare us in the face.


Aug 12 1944

Dear Ma

Well here goes again. Belive it or not but this is Sat night I am staying in camp. I don't have to get up early in the morning or any thing  – it's like I said I was going to stop running around. I took in a movie this evening but that's all.

It cooled off this evening some, but is still warm. We had a little shower so that did help a little. 

Oh yes the changed the schedule on us again. From now on for ground school starts at 10-1300 then we get off from 13-1400 for chow then we go back till 1900. It makes us a nice day. Then when we fly 4th period we don't take off until 6 PM and land at midnight that also makes it nice. All we have to hope is we won't be stationed here too much longer. The only trouble about that the pond is also beginning to stare us in the face. 

Did I tell you how I got myself to start staying in. I sent all but one suit of suntans to the laundry, well I got these I  have on dirty & that's all. I guess I am pretty smart or am I.

Tell that Nene its about time she wrote me again also to stay on the ball & write "our" good friend James B.

Well I guess this is enough for to night so will close for now. 


Note. Remember James B. O'Connor, who wrote a V-Mail to the family? Hmmmm.... there seems to be a special correspondence going. Nene was about 16 ½ years old at this time. 

Aug 15 1944

Dear Ma

Well this is another one of those nights I could be out but am not. I was just too tired to go out tonight. We had to fly 1st period that means getting up at 3 & by the time I got back to the barracks it was bout 4. 

I was so tired I lay down & went to sleep & didn't wake up until 630 I am still so sleepy I can hardly hold my keys open. We flew high altitude so I was worn out from the flying as well as from getting up early.

Belive it or not but I got a letter from dear old Chas. He didn't say too much – just griped about the army. I guess he's in the Medic's but wouldn't swear to it – I took that from his address.

It's still nice & warm around here. I sure wish you could have a few of these hot days you would realize what we are up against. 

I haven't been doing much just being a good little boy & staying in camp. I did get my ankle hurt last night fighting but I can walk pretty good on in it tonight. It was so sore I could hardly stand on it this morning. 

Say about that camera – if you can't get it here in the next few days forget it because theres rumors we are to ship the 29 or befor & I don't want that thing following me around in the mail.

Well Ill close & get ready to get some sleep.


This also came in the mail. Making sure the service members have their affairs in order before heading out over the pond.

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