Saturday, March 20, 2021

mid-October 1944: not much going on

Oct 20 1944

Dear Ma

Well here I am writing you a gain this time to answer 2 letters I recived from you. They were both mailed to the temporary A.P.O. I don't know when the mail will start comming in regular but I hope soon.

So the Runt still gets mail from "little Jim." I still say you better keep workin on her because we don't want to pass up a good thing. When she writes him again tell him I may look him up. It will be a while befor I get a pass but I'll see.

I am glad to hear Glady feels better & hope she gets up and around soon You can tell that Nene to let up making her laugh because I imagine it hurts. Even me I would have more sense than that. 

I haven't recived any mail from any one but you. I guess no one has gotten my address yet. I sure hope it starts coming in soon

I went into town again last night, but as usual just drank a little beer. Theres not a whole lot to do when we do go in. I haven't tried but they say you can't get a good meal. I know we tried to buy a scarf & they said we had to have coupons, which we didn't have. All in all I only spent a little over $2 last night. 

We'll I'll close for now & hope get some mail soon


$2 would be almost $30 today.

 Oct 24 1944

Dear Ma

I'll start on another letter and hope I can finish it tonight.

As usual we haven't been doing any thing just eat & sleep. Not that we are lazy we still sleep until 11 oclock. The black out curtains make it nice and dark even when it's light out side.

I haven't recived any mail from you of late but none of the other fellows have recived any either. I suppose when it does get here we will get a big bunch all at once. I suppose also that you get my mail in bunches too. 

Did I write and tell you Webster bought himself a bicycle. Thats about the only means of transportation around here. He has a flat now though so he hasn't been going any where. 

I went to the movie to night, Bob Hope in one of his pictures. It wasn't bad although it was a little old. Most of the pictures we get here are ones I saw befor comming over. 

Jimmy came in last night so drunk he didn't know which and was up. I finally got him to bed but he decided he didn't want to stay so got back up. The second time I walked him a round some so when I got him back in bed he stayed. I told him I would would be so nice next time. 

Its really hard to write because theres not a while lot to write about. We don't do anything thing so we can't write about what we do. Even if we were doing any thing we couldn't write about it. Now if I were like Jim & Nene it might be different. 

I'll take some pictures one of these days & send them. At the present I haven't even started to use the camera. 

Ill close so write soon


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