Thursday, March 18, 2021

October, 1944: Sleeping til noon

 I have to apologize!

I made an error. I transcribed the wrong V-Mail in the last post. I got them mixed up, the sneaky little letters! 

I'm correcting it here. Please forgive the repeat of content, but now you have them in order!

Oct 13 1944

Dear Ma

Ill drop you a little note tonight to let you know I recived a letter from you & one from the Runt. The one from you was written to Lin & Nenes letter was to the temporary A.P.O. I have been expecting some more mail from you but that's all just expecting. 

We have been doing the same old run of not doing much. We sleep until any weres from 8 to noon in the morning & then some one usually wakes us up. The boys are still going out at midnight and getting beer, but I have gotten so I can sleep through most of it. I guess they had a party last night, made hambergers & such.

We have been having rather cool & rainy weather but as to yet I haven't got much more of a cold then I had. 

Oh yes I heard unofficially I made Sgt today so I have another strip to sew on. I knew it was comming but didn't know when. I suppose that will be the last one for a while Oh well I have done pretty well for no longer than I have been in. 


Oct 15 – 1944

Dear Ma

Well here goes on another letter, but as to yet I have only recived that one from you.

As usual we haven't been doing any thing just go to shows & such. We have gone out & fired the 45 twice. We got out & fire it more or less to kill time & to see how good we can get. I have fired it enough the last 2 days to make my self deaf. Someday I'll learn to stuff cotton in my ears.

I almost went to town to night but they say theres not much doing in town so I just stayed here & decided to write a few letters.

You can tell Bo she ought to be here – we sleep until about noon & I know she would like that. Say how is she getting a long with her teaching.

Well I am still hoping the mail will soon catch up with me. I suppose it will in the next few days. I'll close now as you see no more space. 


Now, this one is interesting. Jack wrote it on Oct 16, 1944. The U.S. Army postmark is 24 Oct 1944, and then it has a postmark on the letter itself! LAS VEGAS, N. MEX NOV 2 1944 PARCEL POST.  Weird!

Oct 16 1944

Dear Ma

I got 2 more letters from you yesterday so will try to answer them. One was sent to Lincoln & the other to temp. A.P.O.

You ask about the pictures, yes I want a print of each. I hope the roll I took are as good as the ones you took. Oh yes the ones I took in Alb., Margaret wants some prints of those so would you send them to her. I suppose you have her address if not it's probable laying around the house.

Say I want you to send me that wool scarf you knit, some air mail stationary, Jims pen and some all wool socks if you can get them. The socks get 3 pairs size 11 & 3 pairs size 12 or slightly larger. You can enclose those picture in the package too if you want. 

Well I hope Glady is feeling better by now, I suppose she is probably up and a round by now (I hope) Tell her I would have sent her a card if I had known sooner & if I could have gotten one. 

We went out and fired the .45 again to day. If I keep it up I ought to get so I can shoot it. It was almost to muddy to go out today.

I went into town last night & drank a few beers. I also went to a dance but as usual I just set on the side line & watched. About all in town are G.I.'s and a few other branch [brand?] of soldiers. The Pubs were all crowed infact you were lucky to even get in them. I don't care much for the English beer you can't get much of a kick out of it. 

Well I got my Sgt rating to day so now I can wear the stripes. I guess I jumped the gun a little on that deal. I knew I would get it but didn't know when. 

We missed a couple of classes the last 2 days, they were scheduled for 9 o'clock & we didn't get up until 10 or 11 so we didn't get around to going. 

Tell that good for nothing Wayne to take his pen & a piece of paper & write me a letter. 

Well I'll close for to night so write soon.

I don't know if I said or not befor but this is my permanent address.


The Margaret here is undoubtedly my mother, as Gram wouldn't have to go searching around the house for her daughter Margaret's address. 

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