Saturday, May 1, 2021

A year's gone by... (Maggie)

The last letter we had from Bill to Maggie was November 14, 1942 while he was still in Bremerton, a "civy" welder working in the Puget Sound Naval yards. Here we are a year later, when Bill's mother reaches out to Margaret.

504 Grand
Las Vegas
Dec. 21, 1943

Dear Margaret

Just a note to wish you a very merry Xmas and all good things for the new year.

Had my first letter from Bernard at Buckley Field yesterday.

He thinks he likes army life. 

And poor Louie – I wish you could read the lonesome letter I got from him.

Bernard has been in since Dec 3. passed his tests for cadet so he should be happy. if you remember how badly he wanted to get in two years ago. Well he is in and I hope he makes good and is not washed out. 

We are enjoying plenty of ice - snow and slush. The streets are a sight. 

Best Xmas wishes
Neva M. Eutsler

Pvt. Bernard C. Eutsler 39215612
T.S.S. 769 Flt 176
Bks. 339 E
Buckley Field
Denver Colo.

Maggie must've sat right down and mailed him a letter, because we have one from him just over a week later.

Dec 30 1943

Dear Maggie

I recived your letter today so thought I had better answer it right away & not put it off.

I sure have been on the go since I last saw you & I mean on the go. I had that operation & as soon as it was healed I took off for Bremerton. I was there exactly 3 days & was classified back into 1A which made me very happy. Well I worked about 2 months & recived my induction papers & 3 weeks later I went to dear old Fort Lewis. We were there 2 weeks & took my 1st test for the air corp & passed. They shipped me here to Buckley which didn't make me mad at all so here I am. 

I got home for Xmas I got home on a 3 day pass so I don't think I did so bad. I got home 5A.M Friday morning & left 3 PM the 25. It didn't leave me much time & I was tired by the time I got back but it was better than not being home at all. I got in to the field about 4:30 in the morning & slept till 8:30 & then my dear friends & buddies requested me to get up so what could I do, its about 5" to the floor. 

We went out Tues night, five of us, & went to a dive in Denver, the first thing you know we were all drunk & having one swell time. If dear old Maggie & the rest of the old gang were there it would have been just like old times. One kid got mad & pulled the wash basin off the wall & we sure cleared out of the wash room quick. We made so much noise I though they we going to kick us out, but they didn't so we had quite a time all in all. We got back at 12:30AM & had to get up at 3:00 for k.p. so you know I was really feeling good when I got up. My old head was swimming & my stomach felt like it was just 1/2 there, but I lived through the day.

I haven't heard from Louie the last few weeks but I guess he is still out there. He sure hated to see me leave when I did leave. 

You ask if I were a cadet or not as bad as I hate to say it no. I have to start taking test next week to find out if I can make the grade. I guess if I don't I'll probable be put in as a gunner. You also ask how I like to be "government property." to tell you the truth I'd still rather be a cilvinin. It's not to bad but they tell you when you do this & when you do that & etc. If hey would let me set around & talk all day & get t least 2 hours sleep each day it wouldn't be bad.

Yes I have Waynes address so if you want it you just set down & write me another letter & I'll send it to you.

Say if you ever come to Denver let me know ahead of time & I'll try to get a pass.

Well I'll close now & hope to hear from you soon.



Christmas, 1943 was on Saturday, so he had just about a day and a half at home.

Here are Jack's letters to Gram mid- to late-December, just before and just after he had his pass to go home for Christmas. 


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