Monday, May 17, 2021

July, 1944 (Maggie)

We have just two letters from Jack to Maggie in July, 1944.

 July 2 1944
Dear Maggie
I guess I better try to write & mail this befor I pull a stunt like you did. I almost thought you had forogtten to answer but I guess you have a good reason. 
I was going to write you yesterday while we were flying but we only stayed up 3 hours so I didn't get a chanch. I was trying to read maps but I didn't do so good, the co pilot finally looked up where were were – we were right near Dallas. We were forced down on bad weather – it started to rain & it got awfully bumpy. I belive if I had stayed up a hour or so longer I would have gotten sick. I havent been sick yet that is from flying.

It is still plenty warm around here almost like Kansas. Lat night it cooled off enough to sleep so I took full advantage of it. I didn't get up this morning untill around 8. We had to get up & do P.T. this morning & belive it or not I was playing games so hard I turned my ankle. I have been hobbling around on it all day & it seems to get worse. On top of that I had 2 shots that didn't help matters much. That makes 5 shots I have had since I got here & am due to get another one next Sun. 

I would have gone into town to night but my leg & arms don't feel too good so I'll stay here & sleep.

The town here is a bout 20,000 but theres not too much doing. Too many G.I.'s running around. I guess it would be a good town to be a civy in but who's a civy any more. I did go on a little hitch hiking exp. to a few of the towns around here & they seemed pretty nice but too far. Oh well I wont have to put up with it too much longer we should only be here 9 weeks longer. 

So you liked the picture, that makes me happy, but they way you talked about it it must be some body else. I still havent seen them so I wouldn't say what I looked like. I think it would be a good Idea if you had yours taken & would send it.

Well I guess I'll close so write soon


July 30 1944
Dear Maggie. 
I guess I better get busy & write you a letter that I owe you. You mentioned you were going home for a few days so I thought I would wait untill you get back, I guess I have given you more than enough time. I do hope you had a nice time while you were home.

You made several cracks in your last letter about not being able to read mine, well keep up your hopes some day I'll print a book on how to read other peoples writing. The only trouble I have been having is after I write a page I can't read it my self so it will be some time yet. 

You ask what type of code that one thing was supose to be well it was nine (9) but now it's down to about 5 weeks left here. that is if they don't decide to change it on us. They did tell us we would get a 7 day furlogh when we get through here but I have also heard rumors that we dont get that now. I guess all we can do is wait & find out. If I do get any time off I may come to Alb. & see you, that is if I go to N. Mex. I have been sort of planing on going to Kansas. 

We haven't been doing to much flying the last few days. It seems like every time we are suppose to some thing happens to the plane. Infact we only have about 6 hours in, in the last week. Oh well I dont ike to fly any way. We are suppose to fly this after noon but if the rain doesn't let up I don't think we weill.

You know they have a bunch of old N.Y.A. cloths here & evey time I see them I think of you & the times we use to have. They have a great big N.Y.A. a cross the back. It seems odd to see them because they are blue, the guy in the guard house even wear them. No I haven't been in the guard house.

Well I have to go now so will try to write a longer letter later on. Write soon


"You made several cracks in your last letter about not being able to read mine..."  Tell me about it, Maggie! In fact, that number "9" he mentioned? When I was transcribing it myself, I had to look and look at it, and had to back to his previous letter to get a reference for what it must be! 


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