Sunday, May 16, 2021

June, 1944: Victory Girls and Pricey Whiskey (Maggie)



June 10 1944

Dear Maggie

Now don't fall over in a dead faint from getting this letter. I am just setting around talking to myself & getting tired of it so I decided to write. Theres no one in the barracks – I'll take that back a fellow just came in. 

This is Sat night and belive it or not but I turn a pass down. I guess I am getting to be a old drip or some thing but I don't get much kick out of going in to town any more. Oh theres not much to do – unless you have more money than I do. I'll wait until this crazy wars over then I'll cut loose. Most of the kids who go in want to stand on street corner & whistle at these Victory girls. 

It's still raining around here. I don't think it will ever stop. When we get off the walks we sink up to our knees in mud. I don't think it will ever top raining around here. Its been cold enough to wear OD in the mornings.

I caught K.P. last night & belive it or not the Cooks were good fellows They helped us G.I. the floor & all in all helped out like all good cooks should. Even the mess Sgt helped us, he worked more than any mess sgt I ever saw. I really didn't mind that night of K.P. at all.

You see evey other night I get some kind of detail & then I sleep the next day. It makes it pretty hard to stay a wake at night but if you keep busy it's not too bad. We should get off one of thee days soon because there a new bunch here & they will probable take over for us. 

You know I got up enough strength this evening to wash some cloths. I don't know how I did it but I did. I guess one reason is no one would wash them for me & I had to do something to get clean ones. Maybe some day I'll get to a camp where they have a laundry & I won't have to do them. It hasn't killed me yet – but I am expecting to pass out any minent.

Well maybe I ought to close now & get some more sleep. I only slept all day but I need it. 


Victory girls, also called khacki-wackies, good-time Charlottes, or patriotutes, came around bases to, ...ahem, raise soldier's spirits.  ...I'll let tell you more. 


June 12 1944
Dear Margaret
Am sending you a picture Jack ask me to send you. They were not finished before he left. 
I suppose he is still in Lincoln. I did not hear from him today but when he last wrote they were waiting to be assigned. Some of the group were shipping to Clovis – wouldn't it be nice if he did?
We are looking for Margaret and Son Peter Jeffery Friday morning on No 3. And are all excited as you would expect us to be.

Will enclose Jack address.
Love Neva M. Eutsler. 

 June 26 1944

Dear Maggie

Well here I am again, moved in to the hot old state of Okla. It's so hot here they don't have to dehidrate any of the food it's that way when they harvest it. It's so hot you can't even sleep at nights.

We arrived here Sat night around 5 but had a dislike for the place right from the start. From what they tell us we are in for a lot of hard work & not much play. Of course evey thing is work for me. They told us what was expected of us & etc. We are suppose to be here for about 10 weeks & then we are to pick up our plane. 

We have all of our crew here except the bombardier & the Navigator. We are supposed to get the bombede soon but don't know exactly when. The fellows seem like a good bunch & I guess I'll be able to get along with them. The radio man reminds me of Bailey & sort of get under my hide. he tries to take over evrey thing including the pilot. The pilot is just 20 & the co pilot is 23. The radio & armor are around 29, the engineer around 23 & 2 gunners like my self are only 18 & 19. I guess all in all they are as good of a bunch as can be expected.

We are supposed to start flying the 29th but I wouldn't swear to it because the army is always changing my mind so Ill just wait and see.

They gave us a class A pass right off the bat & I just about took off for town, a few minets ago when I heard we had another formation. I was going to take off & get a early start but when I heard about the formation I thought I better stay here.

We were in town last night but didn't do any thing. They want too much for whiskey around here, 6.50 a pt. & 11.50 a qt. They didn't have any beer in town last night all sold out, so we just walked around to see what the place looked like. They have some very pretty homes here & it looks like theres quite a bit of money in town.

Well I guess I'll close now & get some sleep
Jack had just had his 21st birthday a month prior. 

Whiskey at $6.50 a pint and $11.50 a quart? That would be $98.63 and $174.50 today! 
From Gram's cache:

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