Sunday, May 9, 2021

March, 1944: Las Vegas Army Gunnery School (Maggie)


March 14, 1944

Dear Maggie

Well here I is. I don't quite know how I got here but.I am. We got notice Friday we are shipping Mon then Sat they told us to get ready we were shipping Sun morning. Well we rushed around getting stuff together & then stood around to wait. We left Denver around 1 oclock Sun after noon & got here Tues (this morning) around 3 oclock. We had a very dull trip we only had 1 one chanch to get off the train & that was at Salt Lake City we had the whole sum of 15 min to be off. It snows on us all the way here so that made things that much nicer. I also got K.P. the 2nd meal & my O.D's could be boiled & made soup out of. 

We found out we are going to be gunners & that we won't go to a teck school. When we get through here in about 8 or 9 weeks we will be through have our wings -- if we make it, and get a 15 day delay in route. We will then get with the rest of the crew & get ready to go over. When we get though here they say they give us the whole sum of 1 strip. Personally I say they they can jam it all I want is the money.

The Camp here is a whole lot nicer than Buckley at least thats that I say now. The barracks a 2 story job and are constructed a little nicer than the.others. Also the chow seems to be a while lot nicer not so much slop. It does look like it could get darn hot her & it also looks like the dust blows quite a bit. 

We never went through the town of Las Vegas but from what the fellows say "Little Bill" better not go in. He's liable to get drunk & they say its a rough town. I guess we don't get too many passes so I won't worry about it too much. We didn't do any thing to day except carry our barracks bags about a ½  mile to let them check our cloths. I had every thing so it made me made to have to do it. Thats all I can do is to carry that thing any way & thats all I have been doing since we heard we were shipping. 

We don't know how long we are going to stay in this student pool but we probable won't be here over a week or 2 at the most – I hope. I want to start to school and get it over with as soon as possible. The way they are closing every thing down they may close this down befor we get a chance to get through. 

Oh yes I told you I might ship across well the bunch I should have been with are at the P.O.E. now so I guess I was rather lucky not to have shipped out with them. 

Well I guess its about time for the lights to out so so I'll close for now. 


March 20

We May be I ought to get on the ball & mail this. I got side tracks on I.P. for 2 ½ days & on top of that I think I caught the flue. I sure have been feeling miserable evey since I went on K.P. I guess they think I like K.P. or some thing because it seems like evey time they put up a list my name is on it. 

We start to school some time today so in 7 weeks we should be getting all packed & ready to go home. (I hope) 

Well we have to fall out in a few minents so I better close


March 29 1944

Dear Maggie

I got a letter you wrote & was sent to Buckley so I guess you didn't have my address when you wrote you. I guess you recived a letter from me since I arrived here haven't you. If I rember correctly I wrote one. 

I have started to school, infact I have gone 3 days now & had one test. The time goes rather fast while we are in class but the days sure do drag. It seems like we have gone for at least 3 weeks by now. We are studying the 50 cal machine guns in craft reconition and sighting. It sure makes my head swim the way they go over that stuff. They go over it so fast & expect you to get it all but me most of it drifts right on over my head. Oh well I guess may be I'll make the grade.

Eveyone is in a very good mood to night we were just informed that we didn't get 15 day delay enroute. That made eveyone feel very unhappy then on top of that we got eat out about the barracks being dirty. We also had a hard day including exercise period. Infact you can't talk to any one with out them start griping about something – including me. 

You ask me to get Mal. address for you, I imagine Wayne has it so I will write him & ask him for it. You might have to wait a while because He writes me on the avg. of once in 2 months. I don't know if I told you or not but Mal. was back to see him not too long ago. I guess the folks were scared he was going to marry her – but he didn't. From what I hear he is having quite a time the last few months. 

Well belive it or not but I went into town on my first pass in 6 weeks & didn't even attempt to get drunk. This town is quite a town, all gambling houses & drinking joints. I spent the whole sum of $1 while in there, but I only stayed about 2 hours. 

We didn't have time to do much & we had to get up at 4:45 the next morning so I was a good boy. They Tell us we will get only one more pass while here so I guess I won't have to worry too much about doing in. 

I never saw so much silver money in all my life as I didn't while I am there. Every thing is silver, and I don't like it.

Well Ill close for tonight & try to finish this tomorrow morning. 

Well we got up at 4:30 this morning & I am sleepy. I have done gone & eaten & made up my bed – swept the floor mopped & shined my shoes, & its only 6:00. I think I have done a good days work befor I have even started the day. This is about all the time we will have to our selfs now untill we get off tonight. 

The weather up to yesterday has been rather chilly. Yesterday turned up like 


Well this will probable look funny but over look it the time.

The weather was warm about 2 weeks a go then it turned off cold. I was even tempted to put on on my long underwear. If it had been clean I probable would have. 

Well we will be able to start wearing out suntans Sat but if it doesn't warm up I dont think too many fellows will. I don't think I will like to wear them from what I have seen of them. They get all messed up too easy & don't look very nice after you have used them once. 

You ask about that sailor, no I haven't found out who it was. Infact very little of that stuff he told me has been the truth or should I say has come out right. The fellow who told me all that stuff is here in the hospital & will be there 3 months. Me I think the is bucking for a discharge – not that I blame him much. 

Well we have to fall out in a few minents so I better close. 


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