Wednesday, May 12, 2021

May, 1944; OK, now who is Joe?? (Maggie)

Special Guest Writer today! Lt. Joe!

May 1, 1944

Dear Marge,

Guess you never expected to hear from me again, did you? Well this will be short and sweet because I have only a few items that I want to convey to you.

First, I happened to have an extra print of the enclosed picture and rather than destroy it I figured that Mary or Gwen or you might like to have it. Am I right?

Second, you told me I was getting cruel and ruthless when I got my bars. Well, maybe you are right but I am in a combat crew now and my brother officers are all about the same way. Each man thinks he is the best damn pilot or navigator or bombardier or copilot as the case may be. Our enlisted men respect us and feel it a privilege to work with us and this competitive spirit shows results in coordinated teamwork results. So I am conceited and power mad but so are my fellow workers on this B-24.

Say hello to LaRue and to her mother as well as the others that I met. 

I should leave this country in a couple months. 

Your arrogant lieutenant
and in Marge's handwriting:
Lt. J.S. Laski 0768862
302nd Bomb. Group - Processing Unit
Chatham Field, Georgia


It's been a few weeks since Jack has written....


May 19, 1944

Dear Maggie

Well belive it or not but I got a furlough & am home. We shipped out of Vegas a week a go last Monday for Lincoln Nebr, we got there on Thurs. morning & they told us we would get furloughs. We left there Sun & I got here Mon at midnight. We don't know how long we will be there but probable only 3 to 5 days.
I haven't been doing anything since I got here just lay around & take it easy. There isn't any one around here any more to go out with. The old town is just as dead as evere if not more so. I guess the reason I think is dead becaus of the way we use to go out. 
The folks got a letter from Wayne today but as usal he is just running around with wild women in the big city. I got him half mad at me so making fun of Sgt & instructors. He wrote & informed me that his life wasn't easy.
It sure was good to get out of Nev & it's heat, in Neb it's hot but there are some green things around not desert. I got so tired of that place I was ready to call off the whole war. (as if I wouldn't any way!
We are in Lincoln to get our combat crew, we will get them & train for about 2 or 3 months & then go over the big pond. I guess this will probable be the last time I get home. 

They were really layin it on hot & heavy at Vegas befor we left, we were getting up at 4 AM & getting to bed around 9-10.

We would fly about 4 hours a day & when we get through we would be so worn out we were ready to go to bed. Me I don't care much about flying, I would rather take a trip in a car. Don't get me wrong though I just love to fly – when it comes to walking or marching. I guess maybe it is better when you are doing some thing besides flying over the desert. We did fly over Bolder Dam & the Grand Canyon & that broke the monety for a while. 

Say is there any chance of you comming up here if there is I sure would like to see you. I'll be here until about the 28. I have to be back the 30. Zorn said some thing about going to Alb. but you know how he is but if I get a chanck Ill come down.


May 31 1944

Dear Maggie

I guess you see I didn't get to Albuquerque. Gee I am sorry I didn't come down but I decided when it was to late, maybe I'll get another furlough befor I go over the pond & if I do I'll come down. 

I got back here yesterday after noon & since then they have run us around so fast we still haven't caught up with our selfs. They put us to work just after we got in camp & then today we processed. We did as much here today as you will do in most camps in 3 or 4 days. We had a clothing show down, a physical, a interview, a reissue of clothing & etc. The physical was suppose to be a 64 but they ran us through so fast it was like the one we were inducted with. They stamped on our papers we were re o.k. for combat service, that made me happy. We were also issued or tin hats so the war is getting a little more realistic.

I didn't do much while home, no one to do any thing with. There just isn't any one home to do any thing with. Belive it or not but I never get got drunk while home, I started to once but never finished the job. 

I spent a little time in Denver on the way back. I ran into some of the boys & we started to rip the town open but hardly got started when we had to leave. All in all I was a good boy while home. 

It is so hot here we don't know if we will live or not. We sweat all the time & the way they run us around doesn't help us any. It is so damp that it seems hotter than it really is. Every thing is so green there though it makes it a little nicer. It is quite a change from Nevada. 

If you get a picture of "little me" don't blame me I haven't seen them. I told Ma to send it to you, but dont hold your breath till they get there. They made me have them taken while I was home, it wasn't my idea.

Well I have some shoes to shine & cloths to hang up so maybe I better close. You see I don't have a maid or any one to do it & have to do all the work my self.

Write soon


P.S. They tell us we will be here for about 12 days – me I am ready to ship now.
Here are Jack's letters home during May, 1944:





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