Monday, October 4, 2021

End of August/Beginning of September 1944 (Maggie)

And we're back! Thanks for your patience!


 Aug 27 1944

Dear Maggie

Well now don't fall over dead but the army finally said they would give us a 10 day furlogh. It is suppose to start the 1st of the month but I am trying to swing a deal to get out the eve of the 31. If I can get off I'll be able to make connections & will come to Albuquerque. I should as the scheduled runs get in there around 10 Sat night. If I can't get off early I don't know if I'll get down right off the bat or not I may go home first. If you aren't doing any thing & are around the buss depot around that time drop in.

I am trying to talk one of the crew to go with me. He said he wasn't going home so I am trying to get him to so see? New Mexico. The last time I said anything to him he said he was so all I can do now is drag him along. 

Well it turned off cool the last night & day. It was cool enough last night to sleep with a blanket. I sure hope it stays that way until I leave here. 

We are scheduled to leave here --that is ship to another base, the 16 of next month. I sure will be glad to leave here I have gotten very disgusted with it here. We don't have much time off now & what little we do they mess up for us. The chow has gotten terrible & then you have stand in line to get it. I stood in line for 40 minents this noon & only had a hour off. Well one thing about it we won't have to put up with it too long.

Well I better close so if I come busting in Sat don't be surprised.


Sept 8 1944

Dear Margaret.

Well here goes on a letter I should have written befor this, but better late than never.

I have been rather busy for the last few days, doing evey thing from K.P. to going to school. A the other place I did 2 days Kp out of 4 days there. I guess they really had my number. The last day on K.P. I know the Sgt had my number because he never let me out of his sight for a minet as long as there was work to be done. I hope my days for K.P. are over for a while now.

They tell me we sure were lucky to get here, they said it really is a a swell outfit. I like it here all right & the food is darn good. The one and only thing I don't like is the weather, its always cold  & damp & I can't seem to take it. The weather reminds me a while lot of the weather in Wash.

At the other camp I ran in to a fellow I use to know in Kans. it sure surprised me to see him. I didn't recognize him but he remembered me, so we had quite a talk. I also ran into a Couple of fellow I went through basic & gunnery school with. 

I have quite the time trying to write, I try to write & talk at the same time and it just doesn't work. You see they put us in a barracks with a lot of fellows who are & have been flying. Well we try to get all the dope they tell us so we will 1/2 way know what the score is. They really give us the straight dope & dont try to feed us a line like they did in the States. It really is interesting to talk to them & hear some of the things they have gone through.

It sure is hard to realize that a month ago we were still in Alb. Not only that I would like to be there now. Well may be I ought to close & get some sleep so write soon. As near as I know I'll have the same address for a while. 


P.S. I don't care too much for the English girls, can't understand them. 


If you recall back when I transcribed Jack's letters to his Ma around this time, I surmised that he had an assignment to write a letter as part of the censorship training. Here is the post with letters from around the same time.

and the letters at the end of August: 

I suspect this September 8 letter was actually written while he was in NM for his "furlogh." I betcha this one was just a test specimen!

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