Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Mid-September 1944: Running Afield, Beer Party (Maggie)

Jack had just had a 10-day furlough home to New Mexico, where he visited his family and Margaret and they had this photo taken:

Sept 12 1944

Dear Maggie

I guess I ought to drop you a line to let you know we got back ok & on time. We got here all in one peece but was so tired I could hardly stand up. We got here on the base around 8:30 so we did get some sleep. The fellows kept comming in all night so all in all I woke up every time a bus or a train came in.

I sure wish I would have listen to Jimmy & missed that one bus. There was another bus leaving there around 2:30 & would have put us in here only 6 hours late. Some of the boys came in late & there wasn't a thing said about it. I am still kicking my self in the ___ for not staying. Oh well maybe if I stay in the army long enough I'll learn to do a few of those things. 

Well theres a new rumor out. They say we to to Lincoln Neb to pick up our plane & we ge a nother 10 day furlogh. To my notion it is a big laugh & personally I don't belive it. I'll be able to ttell a whole lot better in about 10 days. 

We are still suppose to ship the 16 & they are making big planes for it. They are even going to give us a big beer party Fri night. That will be nice shipping Sat but I don't suppose that will bother any body, they will all end up drunk.

We had our clothing check this afternoon so thats over with. I did get a couple of new pair of shoes out of it. I got a new pair of fatigues that are about 3 sizes too big. I came out of it pretty good though I wasn't short too much.

Well I sure wish I were back in Alb. but it looks like Uncle Sam doesn't want me to be so I'll Have to do what Uncle wants. You just wait until this war is over & we will make up for it all

Well I better close & clean up so please write soon

Love Bill

And he writes again the very next day!

Sept 13 1944
Dear Margaret.
Well I guess this will surprise you to get another letter from me but while I do this I won't be getting into trouble or be fighting.
I had to get up this AM to fly & I sure did hate it. I wasn't going to get up but a fellow came in a threw me out of bed so I took the hint. We only flew for 4 hours so it wasn't too bad, I caught 2 hours of sleep. The pilot let me make 2 landings & 2 take off & were they honeys. The first take off I left the run way on a bout a 45ยบ turn & sure tore up a field. When the pilot finally looked up he sure was a cussing. I got off after a fasion & then almost took some trees with me. All in all the rest of the crew were ready to get out & walk – including myself. I did have a lot of fun although I think I got a grey hair out of the deal. 
It is a lot cooler here now infact it's so chilly at nights we get cold with a blanket on. I suppose it will stay like this the rest of the time here. 
We have to get up to fly in the morning at 3 AM & I don't think I will like it very well. I really think 3 is the time to go to bed not get up but thats another point where the army & I differ.

My dear friend Jimmy is laying over in the sack asleep. That guy is worse than me when it comes to sleeping. Say did I mention it while I was there that he is married. I don't know, or rember if I said so or not. He didn't want it spread all over so I did as he said. Dont ask me why because I don't know he doesn't talk too much about it. I don't belive the pilot even knows it. I guess he's working on something  but I can't quite get what it's all about. 

Well they are going to make us turn off the lights in the barracks in a few minents so I better close & get back. It's a new order that came out last night. 

Write soon 

Love Bill 

Sept 17 1944

Dear Maggie

Well it looks like I lied to you a gain we didn't leave on the 16th. We had our bags packed & loaded, I had even written ma I was all set to go & they changed the orders. It seems they couldn't get transportation to get us out of here so now we are suppose to leave here tomorrow. We only had enough cloths to last a couple of days & now they are all dirty so by the time we get to Lincoln we will really look like a nice bunch. 

We had quite the time the other night at our beer party. There were about 200 GI's & about 30 girls. The thing ended up all the beer gone & the boys pretty well drunk. We had the O.D. there & it seemed the beer bottles kept flying his direction, I don't belive any one hit him but it wasn't there fault. I guess the officers had all ready kicked the O.D. out of the officers club earlyier so he was more or less a outcast all over. One of our Majors was there & the last time I saw him he was almost under the table himself. The kid who seeps below me came in & was so bad he couldn't untie his shoes so I came to the rescue & took them off. He also kept wanting to smoke & was afraid he would go to sleep & set the bed on tire. He would hollar at me evey 2 minents to see if I was a wake to keep him from going to sleep. I finally got him quieted down & then some of the other fellows came in & had to wake me up evey time they passed the bed. I was sure glad when they & I finally went to sleep. I had to help clean up the place the next day & I never saw such a mess in all my life, I would say they broke 4 or 5 cases of bottles. I guess no one got hurt & I didn't hear of any fights so all in all it was a sucess. 

All we have been doing the last 2 or 3 days is lay around & take life like it should be. Some of the fellows only get up to eat. I have taken in a couple of movies just to kill time, I didn't think much of the shows but it was some thing to do. I did go into town last night to eat a steak but thats all I did, theres too many G.I.'s in town.

Well I guess Ill close for now & will drop you a line from Lincoln.


O.D = Officer of the Day

Here are Jack's corresponding letters to Gram.
We're almost caught up to Gram's letters, and then I will dovetail them together. Thanks for taking this detour with me! 


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