Sunday, February 20, 2022

Dec 26-28 and Dec 16, 1944

As you recall, originally all I had was the cache of Jack's letters to his mother. They were all still in their envelopes, with the exception of some of the Vmail. When I organized them, I ordered them in order of their postmark and posted them in that order. Margaret's letters were without the envelopes, so when I brought those in, I started putting them all in order by the date written. But today, we have a delayed Vmail due to the postmark being wildly off. C'est la mail. 

Dec 26 1944

Dear Ma

Here I go trying again to write you so you will get some mail. I guess it's more just getting the envelope than the letter because I never write much. What I do write no one can read so it doesn't make a whole lot of difference.

It has gotten colder to day infact it's quite chilly out. I belive it is as cold as it has ever been since we got here. I sure hope it decides to warm up soon if not sooner. The water on the ground has been frozen all day so you can see it hasn't been too warm. 

You ask me about my first mission, no I wasn't scared. I was trying to see what was going on and didn't want to miss a thing. I seems though things have changed some of late, in fact it is just the opposite now. I almost have to wash my underwear after each one. Maybe I ought to get off that subject. 

Well I jumped Kale (the pilot) about Staff today so if he turned me in I should have it with in the next few days. I sure hope I get it soon because it means about a dollar a day or more and I belive I can use it. I guess I shouldn't kick too much though I haven't one too bad as far as ratings go. 

You ask about the cigaretts, no I don't need them. We have been cut to 5 packs a week but I can get a couple of extra packs from one of the boys if I run out. Maybe I can cut out smoking or cut down would probably be more like it. Did I tell you I had to smoke English cigarettes for a week not because I didn't have any but just couldn't get too what I had. Those English cigarettes darn near killed me but I lived through it.

I haven't been riding my bike much of late, infact I think I'll sell it. I am not sure I still have it though tonight it disappeared but one of the guys probably took it to the show or some place I hope. 

I did get up and wash some cloths this AM but I didn't get them very white. I guess I'll have to send them to the laundry to get them white again. 

Oh yess you ask about ODs – yes we wear them and we have no cleaning facatillicty for them. We use to wash them in avation gas but they made us stop so I guess we will have to wash them out in soap an water. Oh well we can get new issue when we get back to the states. 

Well I'll close for now


Jack told me that the tobacco companies got service members addicted by providing free cigarettes to each. Jack told stories of smoking during missions and that he had to use his oxygen mask to light them while at altitude! 

I suppose he was already addicted when he went over, but Jack came back quite the smoker. He smoked heavily until the mid-1960s and then quit cold turkey when the surgeon general made it clear how truly hazardous smoking was. Not sure if his earlier habit contributed to his death, but it is likely. He suffered a stroke in his 50s and a severe stroke that killed him just before he turned 80. If you smoke, quit today. Keep trying.

Dec 26 1944

Dear Margaret.

Here I go again trying to ruin your eyes and nerves trying to read my writing. 

I had a big day to day. slept until 9 and then decided to get up. The only reason I got up was because the sack was so cold I couldn't sleep any more. I have gotten so I can't sleep when cold but never put me where its warm or Ill drop off evey time. 

I have a hard time trying to keep a wake while flying. I usually turn my heated suit up a little too much and then get sleepy. I have almost gone to sleep a couple of times while on the bomb run, but when the flak starts up I usually come to but quick. 

I use to think that flak was pretty but I soon changed that idea of it. Evey time I see it now I just set there and pray. It is rather pretty when its way off and you see the black puffs against the white clouds but then it starts getting nearer. The difference between us and the ground forces is they can dig in but all we can do is just set there and hope and pray. After a while it seems to get even the best of them. Oh well it (the war) can't last forever although it seems the ground forces are having it pretty tough of late. 

It has been nice and cold again to day, it never did get above freezing I dont think. I know the ground never did thaw out. 

Say how is your Bro in Italy doing now. You haven't said any thing about him so I was wondering. 

Well I'll close for now so please write soon


Ooooh! I wonder where Uncle Pat's letters to Mom ended up? It would be very cool to read his experience. 

Here is a training video about flak. Perhaps Jack viewed this very film during his training.

And here is a CGI version, which gives you an idea of how vulnerable the ball turret was. 

Dec 28 [27?] 1944

Dear Ma

I suppose I should drop you a line to let you know I recived some letters from you and also the package. I also got a card letter combination from the Folks, Krohns, and our Indiana cousins. Your letters were the ones with the neg in it. Some of them looked pretty good but we haven't run down a projector so wouldn't say too much about them. 

Well it seems as though the mail has at last started to come through some. I know the rest of the fellows have been getting some as well as my self. I hope it gets so you can write a letter and get a answer befor you forgot just what you wrote in the first place. 

So you really think the air medal is some thing I still hate to disapoint you but It still doesn't mean any thing. 

Say I think I am going to have some needle work for you one of these days if I can get around to doing what I want, or should I say have it done. 

You folks talk about it being cold all right I'll tell one now. I'll bet you never have seen it -57ยบ C and I have. I guess thats enough said. Webster said to say also I had on a heated suit but I'll bet Nene would look cute in heated pants. 

I am so tired I can't seem to be able to think to write. I was going to put it off till tomorrow but probably would put it off again. 

You can tell Wayne maybe – if things go like I think they will and hope they will I'll beat him home. I hope to be home befor my next birthday. 

Did I tell you Kale made 1st this last week.

Well I'll close for now & try again tomorrow. 


Jack's next birthday would be May 23, 1945, just five months hence. 

Now the wayward Vmail to Bo. Postmarked Dec 31, 1944, it was written on Dec 16.

Dec 16 1944.

Dear Bo

I guess I ought to write you a letter even though I haven't recived any from you for a while. I won't blame you until later may be you have written me and I just haven't gotten them. I did get one from you today but it was only dated Oct 15 so that doesn't count. 

I hope you got the money order befor Xmas but if you aren't getting the mail any better than I it will be in time for Next Xmas. I suppose you will get this some time after Xmas vacation.

I haven't done much of late. I did go to London the other day but didn't do a whole lot. We (the Navigator Eaton) just took in a couple movies and thats about all. I got the pictures I took in London the other time but they aren't too good. I am sending them home so you can see them there. 

Will close now Jack. 

No missions to report today.

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