Tuesday, May 3, 2022

End of January, 1945

 We're nearing the end of January, 1945.

January 26 1945

Dear Mom,

I'll drop you a line tonight letting you know I won't write you for a week. We are suppose to get our furlogh tomorrow afternoon, and unless they change the date we will be off in a mad rush.

I haven't even started to pack what I should take a long so will have to do that to night. I have so many things I should do but keep putting them off.

It is still nice and cold here and we don't go out much. About all Igo out for is just the nessisitys of life.

I haven't recived any mail from you or any one else and it makes me mad. I have been expecting so letter of late but I guess I'll such keep on singing "No letter to day"

I am hopeing to get some mail befor I go on furlough but probably won't. Oh well I'll probably have a lot when I get back. I can dream can't I.

Well I'll close now


Has he ever addressed her as "Mom"?  I think this is a first.

Now we again travel back in time. These two Vmails were written January 22 but postmarked February 2. 

Jan 22 1945

Dear Mom

It seems like I have neglected to write you the last few days so Ill write this now and a letter tomorrow. I recived a Vmail stating something about Dad Kruse getting hurt. I suppose you explaned it in a letter but I am wondering just what happened. I hope it's nothing too serious.

The weather is still about the same, snow and wind. I sure wish it would let up but suppose it will some day.

I haven't been doing any thing to speak of so theres not a whole lot to write about. Didn't get any mail from you to day but there wasn't much come in


Jan 22 1945

Dear Bo

I have recieved several letters from you of late & haven't gotten around to answering them. I hope this will help out even though its a poor imatation of a letter.

We had another nice snow last night but I didn't have to help shovel it. It seems like evey time it snows theres a nice wind blowing. Makes the weather very disagerable

I haven't been doing any thing of late so theres nothing to write about. 

I am going to get a 7 day furlough around the last of the month so that will be something. I still haven't figured out as to where to go but will probably go to Scotland. 

Write soon


He was *this close* to spelling received correctly here! He finally got probably, but I've grown fond of typing recived

I'm sorry to report that there are no letters from Margaret. He has not written a letter to her since January 19, almost six weeks after his hasty proposal. Given that letters take 2-4 weeks in each direction, it's not surprising that we haven't gotten a clue yet. We simply don't know what she's thinking. And, I suppose, we won't know for another little while since he's on the verge of his "furlogh."

Jack hasn't flown a mission since January 22, which I outlined in my last post. 

And, lastly, here's the sad, sad song Jack was singing a lot these days. The #3 Hillbilly-Folk (Country) hit of 1943, "No Letter Today" by Ted Daffan & His Texans.

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