Sunday, June 12, 2022

Early February, 1945: Back from 7-day furlough in Scotland

I apologize for the long delay in posting. But here we go! 

The last we heard from Jack, he was about to go on his long-awaited 7-day "furlogh." Guess what? He's back!

Feb 4 1945

Dear Ma

I got Back from my 7 day last night and had a couple letters from you. I was very disappointed that I didn't have more. I guess I shouldn't kick too much.

We had a very nice time in Scotland we saw some very interesting places. We saw the old Edinburgh castel. It is about a 1,000 years old. The people were very nice to us and the girls were about 3 times as good looking at these English. No I didn't go out with any of them. We delt a little Black market so we could buy a few things. I bought the kids some snot rags and a hat a piece. Ill get around to sending them home one of these days. I also had my picture taken in kilts so will send those also. I took a few pictures but didn't take as many as I would have liked to. The weather was very much against us, it was cloudy and rainy with a little snow thrown in. I hope the ones I did take will come out o.k.

I bought some plade, woolen, material too but I haven't quite decided who will get that. It would make awfuly nice skirts but it would also make some nice shirts. I didn't get as much as I would like too – didn't have enough points. I managed for 12 points and it only bought 2 3/4 yards. The darn stuff cost enough too it cost something over a pound a yard. Those 12 points are 1/2 a civys ration for 6 months. 

Webster was with me and a couple of days ago he said his throught (spelling) was sore, well we got back & he went up tot he hospital – mumps. I guess he won't be flying with us for a while now. 

I am very glad to hear Dad Kruse wasn't hurt any worse than he was. When I got the Vmail I was afraid it was some thing woser. You know what I have always said about him climbing around that way.

I guess I recived all the pictures you and the kids sent.

You ask about the Vmail – some times it comes through nice & other times its slower than the other. You said about the one not being photographed I suppose the writing was just too poor. 

I'll continue this after a few hours interruption 

Some of the boys saw the material I got and are trying there darnedest to get it from me. Even Jimmy wants to get it but I have decided to keep it They all want it for there girls or sisters or kids. 

All of them are cussing me for not bringing them some stuff back. It seems evey one is planning on going up on there 7 day now.

The weather has warmed up it almost seems lik spring out now. It rained some a, little this A.M., but has been fair the rest of the day.

All the boys are sick, from drinking the water, It seems as though it turned bad and the whole works are sick. I was lucky and wasn't here to drink any.

I'll see if I can't mail that stuff home with in the next few days. It depends on what I have to do. 

I should write a whole bunch of letter tonight but don't know if I'll get around to it. I get to talking and end up by doing nothing. 

Well I'll close for now


Unlucky for Webster and other service members, there was no mumps vaccine until 1967. Today, service members are required to have a mumps vaccine, among the dozen required vaccines.

Jack still called handkerchiefs "snot rags" when I knew him.

£1 in 1945 is equal to about £47.30 today, which is over $58 a yard for that Scottish "plade" fabric! For the 2 2/3 yards, then, it was worth a whopping $155! I don't recall seeing that fabric in my childhood. Maybe my siblings can remember any garments made from it? 

Feb 6 1945

Dear Ma

Here I got again but how I'll end up will be any ones guess.

I sent the package this A.M. so it would be getting there in the next month or so. Say would you send one of he hand kerchief (spell) to Maggie I for got and wraped the whole works. Ill let you know how the rest of it goes latter on I still haven't made up my mind. I would have bought Dad Kruse a cane but I couldn't figure out how to send it. Theres some other stuff in Ill let you know about later. Theres a shirt and Wayne can have it if it will fit him. I bought it and it was slightly large. If its too small for him you will have to cut it down. Its a brand new one never been worn

The weather turned off darn nice – it has been raining all day. I have guard duty again tonight so it will be nice & wet. I got the good shift though the 6-10.

There was some mail come in to day but me I was just left out. I guess it was mostly Vmail anyway. There were a few packages but from the looks fo them I am glad they weren't mine. 

Well Iam all write out so will close now


He hasn't written a letter to Maggie since January 18, 1945. Finally, here is one! To remind you, he popped the question in a letter dated December 10, 1944. It has been taking at least two weeks, oftentimes longer, for each letter to travel one way. We've been waiting with bated breath for any inkling of a response from her....

Feb 6 1945

Dear Margaret

It looks like I recived a letter from you to day so will answer it. I also recived the magazine you sent – thank a lot.

I got back from my seven day night befor last. It had me pretty well down and out but I can't figure it out. I didn't do any thing except eat sleep and walk around. We went to Edinburg Scotland and tried to see all the old historical places but didn't. The weather was against us, it rained or snowed about evey day we were there. I tried to take some pictures but will find out later how they came out. I took some pictures of the Castle and some of the other things – I can't remeber what all I took. I only got about 25 shots in all, It made me mad that I couldn't get more. The only day the sun came out was the day we left. I did get a few things through the black marek. (excuse the ink this is the E.T.O.) I tried to get more but they even ration stuff in the black market. We did have a nice time in all but the time when so fast. I wish I could have spent a month there. The Scots are a whole lot nicer than the English too. They treated us swell, always wanting to help you out. Then there weren't too many GIs there so that made a big difference too.

The mail sure hasn't been comming through the last few weeks. It makes me mad evey time I think of it. About the time It starts to come through good we should be started home (I hope)

The war looks as if it is going pretty well now at least the Russians are going to town. 

I don't know what they are going to do with me if & when I get back. I supposed I'll go on 29's and end up in the S.P. Oh well such is life. 

The weather has been real nice since we got back infact it's like spring. I sure hope it states this way and doesn't get cold again.

Oh yes Webster (the tail gunner) has the mumps. He started complaining about his neck & such while we were in Scotland. Its quite a joke with the boys here.

Will close for now so write soon


Sorry, no answer today! 

Military jargon time!
ETO: European Theater of Operations
29s: not quite sure. Could be The Boeing B-29 bomber, or the the MOS (military occupation specialty) Electronic Warfare (as described here), or the 29th Infantry Division.
S.P.: Strike Patrol? Specialist? Security Police? There are lots of meanings attached to the acronym. I'll guess B-29s Specialist. Who knows. You take a guess. I'm out of them. 

Apologies for the wonky scan on the next one:

Feb 7, 1945

Dear Ma

I'll try again to write buy will probably end up just trying. 

I had my shift of guard duty last night so I probably won't catch it again for a couple of weeks at least. It wasn't too bad, it stoped raining but the wind did blow some.

The wind has been blowing nice and hard all day – it seems more like March. The sun even tried to come out for a little while but didn't do a very good job of it. 

I have been laying around to day with a nice back ache. My kidney [?] has been raising hell with me. I don't know what the trouble could be because I haven't injured it in any way. I sure hope it stops hurting, I just can't straighten up. Maybe I slept on a fold in the blanket or something like that. 

Did I ever tell you I have recived all the color neg. I don't think I mentioned it befor.

No I haven't recived the package as yet but am still looking for it. There were a bunch of packages come in last night but I just didn't rate one. Iam still looking for the package Margaret sent for Xmas. I suppose it will be a pretty mess when it does get here. It may get here in time to bring home. 

I'll sure be glad when the 10 gets here then maybe I won't be broke. I haven't figured out how much I'll get but hope it's a whole lot.

I guess I'll have to go down and see Webster tomorrow. At least take his mail to him he would probably like to get it.

I'll close now


Feb 7, 1945

Dear Margaret

Here I go again trying to write thats all I can do is try.

I haven't been doing any thing as usual except waiting for the mail. We are suppose to have some packages come in tonight. I doubt if they get here though, and if they do I'll probably be left holding the bag. Mom & one of the kids sent me a package around Xmas and I have yet to recive them.  

You ask about what happend on the bike. Well it seems I was on the other side of the field and because of the wind didn't want to go around. I took off down the runway and a officer caught me. He didn't seem to like the idea of taking a chanch of getting hit by a B.17. I told him I thought I could duck a 17 easyer than flak & he didn't like that. He took my name & etc, I thought he was going to bust me but I never heard any more about it. 

I haven't to work for almost 3 weeks now and am I getting lazy. I hate to even think of it any more. Oh well I'll get busy one of these days and get on the ball. 

It seem the water here has made evey one sick. I didn't get sick because I was on furlogh and didn't get a chanch to drink any. We still have to put pills in it befor we drink it. When I get back from my 7 day I couldn't figure out why evey one was in bed & wouldn't talk, they were all so sick they didn't know if they were comming or going. 

I can't think of any more to write so write soon.


The things we take for granted: clean, safe drinking water. 

Feb 8 1945

Dear Margaret

I don't believe I have ever written you one of these Vmail's so here goes. I haven't much to say and not too much time so here goes. I received your letter of Jan 12. it was taken to another barracks so I don't know how long it has been here. From the looks of the date you wrote it you almost forgot to send it. Evey thing has been going as usual nothing new. It seems I have gotten in to a rut. 

I havent been getting any mail to speak of the last few weeks. I sure wish it would get to us sooner. 

I have written you a couple times in the last few days so you can expect a letter or so. Thanks a lot for sending the picture I haven't gotten it but will look for it. I'll have Ma send you one of me taken in Kilts in Scotland, it's a dilly.


You wanna see that dilly? Here ya go!


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