Tuesday, February 23, 2021

End of August, 1944. A Special Guest! Gram!

Aug 26 1944

Dear Ma

I guess I better get busy & write you a letter I am suppose to be in ground school but something happened & we got off 2 hours. It makes me very happy to get out of it. If theres any thing I hate worse than ground school I haven't found it yet.

Well belive it or not but we have had a couple of nice showers he last 2 days. It has cooled things off some but its still plenty warm. It rained enough to make every thing muddy last night but I'll take mud to heat. 

We had a new bunch come in here so things are rather messed up. It seems the boys are starved because theres always a line at the chow house. Theres always a mob every place you go. Oh well we will be shipping out in a couple of weeks so I can probable stand it that long.

We were flying yesterday but it was the same old routine. I did take some pictures while we were up. The navigator got some color film so I was taking those for him. I also got 5 rolls in the PX the other day I was only suppose to get one but I had every brother & his uncle getting film for me. I still figure on taking my camer across with me. 

I got another letter from Chas or did I tell you. He said he only weights 151 now. That kid must have lost a lot of weight. 

Well I have to get back to classes so will close. 

[no signature]

There were a few various photos in the box, mostly poor quality, unlabeled photos of people and scenes. There was only one that looked like it was taken from the air, this one of an engine and another shadowy B-17 in the formation. Here it is, for what it's worth.

Aug 29 1944

Dear Ma

Well I got your long letter today so will answer it now. 

Those clippings sure get me, all those kids getting married. I guess its a good thing we moved out of there, hard telling what might have happened. Oh well may be they they will be happy but as for me I'll stay single for a while to come. I like what little freedom I have & I don't want to get tied down quite yet. I just can't get over it. 

It looks like Bob C has done all right for him self now hasn't he. He sure has a nice job & I hope he can keep it up. Those P38 like he flys are really fast in fact faster than that. More

Well we have been having rainie weather of late, it was so over cast we didn't fly this morning but had to get up at 4 just the same. We have to fly in the morning at 6 so we'll have to get up at 3. I sure hate those early missions but theres nothing I can do about it. All we have been doing is putting in time we have finished all the required stuff so we go up & just fly around. 

We haven't heard any thing about any change in schedual, we are still suppose to leave here the 16. That day won't come quite soon enough for me. I'll sure be glad to get off this field & out of the 2nd Air Force. It's really no good, thy are so dirty about every thing. It looks as though some of the boys are going A.W.O.L. unless they do something about leaves. They just keep putting us off & theres nothing left here to do. The chow is getting worse the lines are longer & all in all no good. I had to write wait in line 40 min the other day for chow & only had a hour off so you see I had a lot of spare time to do nothing in. They also have gotten to the place where they want us to salute the officers, that's all right in it's own place but thats not here or any other place in the air corp.

Well nothing unusual has happened the last few days so I guess I'll close for now


This letter crossed in the mail with that last one from Jack. It's a rarity: a letter to Jack from his mother, my Gram!

The postmark is Aug 29 1944. She just dated the letter "Monday" which would've been August 28, 1944.


Dear Sugar

Talked with Bo yesterday she seemed to think things at Roy would be O.K. and she had a good place to stay Told her to get on the ball and write you – she forgot to take your address so I sent it last night.

See by the evening paper Purvis who is director of the A.T.C touring Band in India is sick, seriously with spinal meningitis so we are all in a worry about Jim. And poor Jim is so home sick and hungry for ice cream.

Then yesterday Gooie wasn't feeling too well so decided to call Crail so went to the phone and was looking for his No. when she fainted. He came and told her it was her apendix again. Wants her to stay in bed for a few days and may have to have it out this time. Nans is feeling pretty good her blood pressure is down to 200 now.

The little snip insisted I go to the show with her Sat afternoon to see Broadway Rhythm and The Cross of Lorraine. They were pretty good and the show was from 2 – 6 - and I said when the little one said "lets go"  , "But I havent seen Donald Duck," then she ask me how much more I wanted for my cash.

Sarah decided she wasn't going to Des Moines to teach but Katie went to Springer. Should hear from Bo tomorrow giving me all the details. 

Love and more love 
from your Family


Jack called me "Sugar" too. ☺️

Looks like Gram went to the same School of Awkward Punctuation that Jack did.

Gooie is Gladie, my grandmother's sister. Nans is her mother, I think? Olive Morel Kruse (1871-1951)

I'm assuming "the little snip" is Nene. 

Broadway Rhythm was a musical comedy. The Cross of Lorraine is a WWII propaganda film. 

Here are pictures of family members (not from Jack's cache; from my own collection):

Glady Idela Kruse, Jack's aunt aka Gooie

Olive Morel Kruse, Jack's grandmother

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Mid-August, 1944: Finally got the camera

We have yet another type of stationery today! Gold embossed symbols of the Army Air Forces, including an encircled star and wings, a B-17, and a shield and wings, all surrounded by clouds. "U.S. ARMY AIR FORCES" is embossed below. 

Aug 17 1944

Dear Ma

Well don't fall over but we are having a nice shower. I decided to sleep out last night & woke up a bout 6 the wind blowing like mad & the sky was cloudy. I decided it would rain so I came In. A bout 15 min. later it cut loose so the other fellows woke up. When they woke up this morning they sure cussed me for not waking them up when I came in. 

I took my watch in last night to get it fixed & from what the jewler told me our dear friend Martin really fixed it. It will be sad day when I take any thing back to him. I also mailed some stuff home yesterday so if you get a box don't be surprised. 

The film in there is some I took in connection to ground school & the next time Wayne gets home have him show it to you.

Ill probable get some more befor I leave here. You see we are going to have a clothing show down again tomorrow so I have to get rid of a few things because they will take them a way if I don't. 

You have started planning a little too much about me getting a furlogh. It looks as though we won't get it now. We don't know what's happening around here. They tell us we are to ship the 24, 29 – 7 – 14 so when we ship God only knows. 

I haven't done any thing of late except lay around & sleep. Thats about the best thing we have to do any way.

Well I'll close for now


The letter below is postmarked Aug 20 1944. The Saturday he wrote this would've been August 19.


Dear Ma 

Well I have a minet so will drop you a shot note.

I got the camer yesterday & was happy to get it. Say how many pictures do you want to get on a roll. I started to take one & tried to turn it & it wouldn't turn so I decided it was jammed. I rewound it & count 41 frames. You know it only takes 36. Next time keep count a little better. I'll send the film home first chance I get. 

Well we flew a good mission to day up to Wichita then to K.C. & over to Springfield Mo & to Little Rock Ark & back here. K.C. is a pretty good town but I expected it would look bigger than it did. They sure have a big air field there the one I saw when I went there.

Its back nice & hot again this after noon I would be sleeping but its too hot. You see we got up at 3 this morning & didn't get to sleep until after 11 last night

I am staying in a gain I don't know any good reasons except am so tired & my finance is getting low so I'll just rest.

So the Kids all have to start back to school, well thats too bad. I sure wish I could start back but, I even grip when I have to go to ground school, Its not like the way it use to, this is to save your neck & that was to make some thing of your self. 

Well Ill close & get some sleep.


I had to go to town to get the camera. 

Here is the route the crew took that day. According to Google Maps, it's about 1000 miles. At the B-17 cruising speed of 150 mph (top speed 287), the mission would have taken them about 6.66 hours. 

Aug 22 1944

Dear Ma

I got a letter from you to day & you were very hopeful of me comming home well I suppose you better just for get about it. The latest rumors are no time off so I suppose we will be here until about the 16 of next month.

You ask about that big black thing I sent home. Thats a knife a jungle knife. I got it in Lincoln and just never sent it home.

Its still warm here & we havent been getting any sleep. We didn't land until 12,20 last night so I didn't get to bed until 2 & had to get up at 8. We go to ground school until 7 tonight & have bed check at 10 then get up at 3 in the morning.

I got another letter from Chas this morning & he said he only weighed 151 now. I guess he really must have lost some weight.

Well we have to go to school pretty soon so maybe I better close for now.

Stay when Florence gets settled have her send me her address.


Friday, February 19, 2021

Mid-August 1944. The pond is beginning to stare us in the face.


Aug 12 1944

Dear Ma

Well here goes again. Belive it or not but this is Sat night I am staying in camp. I don't have to get up early in the morning or any thing  – it's like I said I was going to stop running around. I took in a movie this evening but that's all.

It cooled off this evening some, but is still warm. We had a little shower so that did help a little. 

Oh yes the changed the schedule on us again. From now on for ground school starts at 10-1300 then we get off from 13-1400 for chow then we go back till 1900. It makes us a nice day. Then when we fly 4th period we don't take off until 6 PM and land at midnight that also makes it nice. All we have to hope is we won't be stationed here too much longer. The only trouble about that the pond is also beginning to stare us in the face. 

Did I tell you how I got myself to start staying in. I sent all but one suit of suntans to the laundry, well I got these I  have on dirty & that's all. I guess I am pretty smart or am I.

Tell that Nene its about time she wrote me again also to stay on the ball & write "our" good friend James B.

Well I guess this is enough for to night so will close for now. 


Note. Remember James B. O'Connor, who wrote a V-Mail to the family? Hmmmm.... there seems to be a special correspondence going. Nene was about 16 ½ years old at this time. 

Aug 15 1944

Dear Ma

Well this is another one of those nights I could be out but am not. I was just too tired to go out tonight. We had to fly 1st period that means getting up at 3 & by the time I got back to the barracks it was bout 4. 

I was so tired I lay down & went to sleep & didn't wake up until 630 I am still so sleepy I can hardly hold my keys open. We flew high altitude so I was worn out from the flying as well as from getting up early.

Belive it or not but I got a letter from dear old Chas. He didn't say too much – just griped about the army. I guess he's in the Medic's but wouldn't swear to it – I took that from his address.

It's still nice & warm around here. I sure wish you could have a few of these hot days you would realize what we are up against. 

I haven't been doing much just being a good little boy & staying in camp. I did get my ankle hurt last night fighting but I can walk pretty good on in it tonight. It was so sore I could hardly stand on it this morning. 

Say about that camera – if you can't get it here in the next few days forget it because theres rumors we are to ship the 29 or befor & I don't want that thing following me around in the mail.

Well Ill close & get ready to get some sleep.


This also came in the mail. Making sure the service members have their affairs in order before heading out over the pond.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

August, 1944: Quietly achieving the rank of Corporal

This is the first envelope that indicates Jack's new rank as Corporal. He doesn't mention his promotion in his letter, which is surprising to me. 

Aug 3 1944

Dear Ma

Well don't fall over dead from getting another letter from me today, it seems as I don't want to go out to night so will try to write you a short note

We had to get up at 3AM this morning & flew till noon. I was so tired while flying I went to sleep in the ball turret while operating it. I finally decided tat wasn't such a good idea so got out and went to sleep in the waist. I had on my electric heated suit & it & it got too warm. I was laying there very peacefully & the copilot came back & pluged it back in & turned it up full blast. When I finally woke up I was just about cooked. It really set me a fire. We flew up to Wichita Kans then to Amarillo & back here. It was quite a trip but I didn't see much of it. We had some P47's come at us & they sure were fast. It surprised me & woke me up to what I will be up against. They are faster than greased litinging

Its still plenty warm around here in fact I didn't get to sleep until 12 last night because it was so hot. It seems to have a breeze now so maybe we will be able to sleep tonight. I sure hope we ge a little cooler weather soon. It's just too hot to live & I am to tired to die. 

Well I am writ out for now


The P-47 was indeed a formidable machine. This fighter escorted bombers to their targets and engaged in air-to-air as well as air-to-ground combat. Stout yet agile, it was an important tool for the Allies. And yes, it was fast. Its top speed was 426 mph, compared to the lumbering 287 of Jack's B-17. Read more at Smithsonian Magazine

P-47 Fighter

Aug 10 1944

Dear Ma

I guess I better say in to night and write you a little short letter & clean myself up

I went up to Ada again but didn't do a whole lot, Theres too many GI's going up there now. They said there were more up there that night than there were when the cadets were stationed there. Another thing that made me mad was I started back about 10 PM & couldn't cath a ride until around 3:30 AM. To top that off we rode about 45 miles up on top of a load of coal. I don't mean maybe, but we looked like a couple of ni**ers. We were really black but Jimmy was slightly worser than me. We both had to take a good shower when we got back 

We flew back up around Kansas yesterday but I didn't look out enough to know where we were. I was so sleepy I was asleep befor the plane left the ground. We also have flown over the Gulf since I last wrote you. I hate those trips down over Galveston because they are so long, and always at altitude (I can't get my sleep)

I guess I'll stop running around so much, its too hard on me I can't get my sleep. The pilots getting a little peved at us about it, not that I blame him. About every time we fly 1/2 of us all just about dead. We don't have too much time off now anyway so Ill start being a good little boy & stay home & get some sleep.

It seems like I might have to sign a statement of charges for a parchute harness. Since we [?] decided they wanted mine wores than I did so borrowed it, and also 4 others of the crew. It seems they only cost $35 a piece. 

Its still too hot around here to live but may be I'll be able to take it for a few more weeks. It seems we are suppose to leave here around the 29 but I wouldn't say for sure. They claime they are moving the field to Ohio but I suppose we will finish up before they move it. 

Say when are they going to send my camera to me I have been looking for it for a week now but it doesn't seem to come. Please get on the ball & send it to me. 

You can tell Bo I have been getting her letters, also I recived one from Neva today.

Well I 'll close now


I'm embarrassed by the racial epithet he used, and I apologize. 

$35 for the parachute harness would set him back $517 today. 

The next letter is written in pencil. 

Aug 11 1944

Dear Ma

Don't faint I fell all right, well almost all right. I suppose you wonder what got me to write, well here goes. I got up at 3 this morning to fly went down to the plane & was all ready. The pilot came up & ask me for my oxygen mask so I handed it to him & he said take off. It seem as though he has lost his so me I didn't fly. I came back to the barracks & lay down & slept until a few minuets a go & decided to get out befor the inspectoning officer came in & decided I shouldn't be there. 

You say K.K. finally made Pfc. well that's fine, you can tell him if he needs any strips to let me know & Ill send him mine, I never did sew them on & wouldn't sew my Cpls on but they put out a order saying we had to. I'll get around to seeing them on one of these days. Most of the fellows started sewing them on the day the order came out, but they aren't proud or something 

So you say Bergy got married well now aint that some thing. I sure would hate to be the woman that got stuck with him. I guess he is all right but I still can't see it .

I am over in our new Day Room it really is pretty nice. Its about as nice as any thing we have in the army. 

Well they have started more hot L. rumors about furloughs & delay en routs. They say we are going to get 7 days & if you live over a 1000 miles 4 days travel time, Well if that the case I'lll put down I am going back out to the good old state of Wash. That only about 22000 miles from here so I'll be able to get those 4 extra days. 

They won't be able to doubt my word much because after all I was inducted out there.

I got my self a new pair of sun glasses – so if you or the kids want the old ones Ill send them home one of these days. I have some suff I am going to send any way I have a extra shirt that they will take away from me if I don't get rid of it. 

Its still plenty warm here in fact it was warm at 3 this morning. I was running around with my shirt off so you see it was plenty warm.

Well I think I can go back so will close now. 


P.S. lost my pen so have to write with what I can find. 

Here's our answer to why he didn't mention his promotion. He's not proud or something. 

He got carried away with his zeros... Washington is about 2000 miles from Oklahoma.

I don't know who K.K and Bergy are.

Here's a picture of Ardmore Air Force Base from 1945.

Monday, February 15, 2021

Late July, 1944. "104 in the shade and we have no shade."

Fancy new stationery today. The top of the page is embossed with the Army Air Forces wings and shield in gold. Below reads, "ARMY AIR FORCES"


July 27 1944

Dear Ma

I recived your letter inquiring about the watch well by now you probable have it by now. I forgot to get another band for it so I guess you will have to get one.

I am so mad today – we were getting all ready to leave – & they threw a formation at us this afternoon. Oh it makes me mad because we won't be able to get out again for another week or so. I guess that's the army for you though.

Say If you haven't sent that camera yet take & take the rest of the pictures on the film. I have to have it registered on the field & it has to be opened to get the serial no. out of it so take the rest of the pictures. Also send me the light meter with it.

It sure was hot yesterday & I do mean not. It got up to 104 in the shade & we have no shade. I guess it's the hottest day so far. We didn't fly but 2 hours the last 3 days so we havent had much chanch to get out of the heat. Even when we are flying at low altitude it feels like a blower blowing air out of a oven. 

I still can't get over being mad. It gets a fellow after a while. We only are going to be here so much longer & then they have to mess up our little bit of time that way.

Well maybe I better close now & go shave


July 30 1944

Dear Ma

Ill try to drop you a little note while I have a mineut off this morning.

It seems they want to keep us busy the last few weeks. We haven't had our little time off latley. We put in  3 days & got one 1/2 day off & then we put in 3 more but the day we get off we have to get paid & stand inspection. The farther we get a long the less time we get off I guess buy the time we get through we will be going day & night.

The other day we flew for a short time at altitude & I like to have froze. It was so cold up there you would have thought it was winter instead of July, but when we got down it like to smother us. We were up to about 20000 yesterday but I had a electric heated suit yesterday & kept nice & warm.

Well belive it or not but it rained last night & cooled things off nice this morning. If that sun comes out we will roast again today. Its been so hot that I have developed a nice case of prickly heat & it sure bothers me, feels like hundred needles in my back at once. 

I broke my watch again – but I don't think I'll have the crazy thing fixed again. I'll have it priced & if its more than I think its worth Ill wait & buy a good one. 

Well I have to shave & wash my oxygen mask so I better close


Here is a picture of the oxygen mask that Jack and his comrades used and here is a little bit about them, and about one of the heroes that wore one. 

Aug 2 1944

Dear Ma

Well I received your letter Nene's & also the candy & cookies. The fellows think its darn good also me. Those cookies are the the real thing. I thought it was the camera until I found out I didn't have to sign for it. Tell Nene thanks it was really good.

Its still hot here & it has me almost dead. The heat is really something, Its so bad if the grave was 6 inches wider I would slip in it. I sure hope it lets up but from what they say it will get even hotter. 

We had to fly last night and didn't get to bed untill 12 & then had to get up at 6 to go to ground school today. I had quite a time staying a wake in classes. I guess I forgot to mentioned that I was up all the night befor. We went back up to Ada & couldn't catch a ride back till around 8 oclock. I got a bout a hour sleep & then had to fly. I was a bout dead when I got to bed. I couldn't sleep while flying because we were on oxygen, Wearing that mask sure takes the sap out of a fellow. 

Well my mind? is blank so I'll close now & try to do better next time


Note: I am not sure about the saying, "if the grave was 6 inches wider I would slip in it." Is my transcription correct? Does he mean "sleep"? Is the word "grave" or another word? Any help?

I searched, but I couldn't find an idiom like that. I searched for sleeping in a grave, slipping in a grave, heat and graves....

The closest I came was a song from Shakespeare's Cymbaline. Which isn't a bad find, after all.

Fear no more the heat o’ the sun, 
Nor the furious winter’s rages; 
Thou thy worldly task hast done, 
Home art gone, and ta’en thy wages: 
Golden lads and girls all must, 
As chimney-sweepers, come to dust. 

Fear no more the frown o’ the great; 
Thou art past the tyrant’s stroke; 
Care no more to clothe and eat; 
To thee the reed is as the oak: 
The scepter, learning, physic, must 
All follow this, and come to dust. 

Fear no more the lightning flash, 
Nor the all-dreaded thunder stone; 
Fear not slander, censure rash; 
Thou hast finished joy and moan: 
All lovers young, all lovers must 
Consign to thee, and come to dust. 

No exorciser harm thee! 
Nor no witchcraft charm thee! 
Ghost unlaid forbear thee! 
Nothing ill come near thee! 
Quiet consummation have; 
And renownèd be thy grave!

Separate note: Every so often I look at what was going on in the war at the time, particularly in the European theater, which was where Jack was headed. 

In late July 1944, as Jack was writing these letters, the Allies were undertaking Operation Cobra. Led by Lieutenant General Omar N. Bradley, the allies advanced from Normandy deeper into France and beat back the German army. Read about it on Wikipedia

Saturday, February 13, 2021

July, 1944: Sleep deprived.


July 20, 1944

Dear Ma

Belive it or not but I am staying in for a change. We have tomorrow off all but for one formation so I'll probable take off after that.

Neva wrote & said you & the rest of them had been sick on chicken, well you had nothing on me. I ate some in town a couple of days ago & it sure made me sick. I couldn't sleep that night a got up to fly at 3 AM, well I got out in front of the barracks & the chicken Decided to get up too so I let it fly. I thought  after it came up I would be OK so went over & ate breakfast but no more than got back when it came up. I decided that was enough so I told my pilot I wouldn't fly that day. I guess he thought I had been out drinking but so help me I didn't have even a short beer. I went on sick call & the doc gave me a dose of salts & so from then on I thought I was going to bleed to death but didn't. My stomach still hasn't settled down to the extent to where I can eat.  I guess the weather has some to do with it. 

It has been hot up to today & we had a breack. It started raining this morning & rained until about 3 oclock. It cooled things off nice though. Infact it's just a little too cool this evening. One thing about it though. I'll be able to sleep good tonight.

I guess I better get plenty of sleep to night because I am planning on going to Ada & probable won't get any tomorrow. We went up there day befor yesterday & 2 of us had  8 college girls out. We really had a time of it. They were a lot of fun all in all, but the left for home the next day. We really have a lot of fun up there it's a town of 15,000 & no M.P's or very many G.I.'s. Its a fact the women pick you up, the college girls ask us to walk with them & etc.

Tell those Runts to keep up there letter writing. One of these days when I don't have so much time off I'll answer there letters. You see I figure I better do all the running around I am going to be cause a little later we won't have so much time off. Also it won't be too long untill we will be flying over water. 

Well belive it or not but I have to wash some cloths so will close for now


Next we have a 3-page letter on new stationery. At the top is the USO flag with clouds in the background, and along the bottom it reads: 


July 23 1944

Dear Ma

While I am waiting here for a fellow to make up his mind about when we are going home I'll try to write you a note. 

I haven't been doing much of any thing lately. I went to Ada the other night but didn't do much. I went with 3other of the crew but around 8 oclock I lost them & didn't find them till I got back to camp. They went out to some civy's house & ate chicken so they said. I havent caught up with my sleep since. I guess I'll never catch up with my sleep while I am here. We just have too much time off that's all. I guess later on we won't have so much time off so I'll be able to get a little more steep

Tell those kids I'll send that watch the next time I get a check. I was figuring on sending it tomorrow but I have a formation at 930 & probable won't get up till 9.

It's been so hot the last 2 days we haven't been able to sleep when we get a chanch. We just lay there & toss & turn a bout 1/2 the night. We usually get to sleep around 2 or 3 o clock in the morning

We have to fly tomorrow and the next 2 days. It will kill me in the end but maybe I'll be able to catch a little sleep while flying. 

On thing about it its allways a lot cooler up there so if we don't get too cold we sleep good. Every once in a while it gets so bumpy though we can't do much good. My Pilot turned in in for anothe strip today so if I get it I should have it around the 1st of the month. I hope for the sake of the money. It will mean $99 a month befor they take out everything. I'ld get about 60 of it – O happy day.

Well May be I ought to close & get back to camp & get some well needed sleep


Jack's promotion and added stripe will come with a raise in pay to $99/month, or today's equivalent of $1463. $60 net is about today's $886.


July 24, 1944

Dear Ma 

Don't drop over dead from getting too many letters from me all of a sudden but while I have the time I'll try to drop you a line. 

I got the candy today & its darn good – so the gang says. What I got of it was all right but I tasted better from home. Oh well they don't know good candy when they get it. No Kidding It was good. 

Well belive it or not it rained today & from the weather report you must of had a cold spell today. It started raining some time last & has kept it up all day & looks like it will keep it up tonight. It has made it turn off a little cooler but it's still plenty warm though. 

Say I think I'll ask you to send me my camera. We can have one here if we register it so if you get around to it please send it I think I'd try taking it over seas with me that is if I get a 1/2 a chance. My pilot said it would be OK with him so I think I'll try it. 

I am so sleepy tonight I can't hardly keep my eyes open. I don't know why I should be so sleepy be cause after I got back last night I really slept. I guess I'll be able to sleep all right to night though that is if it keeps raining. 

Well the boys are pestering me so I'll close for now. 
