Monday, May 17, 2021

July, 1944 (Maggie)

We have just two letters from Jack to Maggie in July, 1944.

 July 2 1944
Dear Maggie
I guess I better try to write & mail this befor I pull a stunt like you did. I almost thought you had forogtten to answer but I guess you have a good reason. 
I was going to write you yesterday while we were flying but we only stayed up 3 hours so I didn't get a chanch. I was trying to read maps but I didn't do so good, the co pilot finally looked up where were were – we were right near Dallas. We were forced down on bad weather – it started to rain & it got awfully bumpy. I belive if I had stayed up a hour or so longer I would have gotten sick. I havent been sick yet that is from flying.

It is still plenty warm around here almost like Kansas. Lat night it cooled off enough to sleep so I took full advantage of it. I didn't get up this morning untill around 8. We had to get up & do P.T. this morning & belive it or not I was playing games so hard I turned my ankle. I have been hobbling around on it all day & it seems to get worse. On top of that I had 2 shots that didn't help matters much. That makes 5 shots I have had since I got here & am due to get another one next Sun. 

I would have gone into town to night but my leg & arms don't feel too good so I'll stay here & sleep.

The town here is a bout 20,000 but theres not too much doing. Too many G.I.'s running around. I guess it would be a good town to be a civy in but who's a civy any more. I did go on a little hitch hiking exp. to a few of the towns around here & they seemed pretty nice but too far. Oh well I wont have to put up with it too much longer we should only be here 9 weeks longer. 

So you liked the picture, that makes me happy, but they way you talked about it it must be some body else. I still havent seen them so I wouldn't say what I looked like. I think it would be a good Idea if you had yours taken & would send it.

Well I guess I'll close so write soon


July 30 1944
Dear Maggie. 
I guess I better get busy & write you a letter that I owe you. You mentioned you were going home for a few days so I thought I would wait untill you get back, I guess I have given you more than enough time. I do hope you had a nice time while you were home.

You made several cracks in your last letter about not being able to read mine, well keep up your hopes some day I'll print a book on how to read other peoples writing. The only trouble I have been having is after I write a page I can't read it my self so it will be some time yet. 

You ask what type of code that one thing was supose to be well it was nine (9) but now it's down to about 5 weeks left here. that is if they don't decide to change it on us. They did tell us we would get a 7 day furlogh when we get through here but I have also heard rumors that we dont get that now. I guess all we can do is wait & find out. If I do get any time off I may come to Alb. & see you, that is if I go to N. Mex. I have been sort of planing on going to Kansas. 

We haven't been doing to much flying the last few days. It seems like every time we are suppose to some thing happens to the plane. Infact we only have about 6 hours in, in the last week. Oh well I dont ike to fly any way. We are suppose to fly this after noon but if the rain doesn't let up I don't think we weill.

You know they have a bunch of old N.Y.A. cloths here & evey time I see them I think of you & the times we use to have. They have a great big N.Y.A. a cross the back. It seems odd to see them because they are blue, the guy in the guard house even wear them. No I haven't been in the guard house.

Well I have to go now so will try to write a longer letter later on. Write soon


"You made several cracks in your last letter about not being able to read mine..."  Tell me about it, Maggie! In fact, that number "9" he mentioned? When I was transcribing it myself, I had to look and look at it, and had to back to his previous letter to get a reference for what it must be! 


Sunday, May 16, 2021

June, 1944: Victory Girls and Pricey Whiskey (Maggie)



June 10 1944

Dear Maggie

Now don't fall over in a dead faint from getting this letter. I am just setting around talking to myself & getting tired of it so I decided to write. Theres no one in the barracks – I'll take that back a fellow just came in. 

This is Sat night and belive it or not but I turn a pass down. I guess I am getting to be a old drip or some thing but I don't get much kick out of going in to town any more. Oh theres not much to do – unless you have more money than I do. I'll wait until this crazy wars over then I'll cut loose. Most of the kids who go in want to stand on street corner & whistle at these Victory girls. 

It's still raining around here. I don't think it will ever stop. When we get off the walks we sink up to our knees in mud. I don't think it will ever top raining around here. Its been cold enough to wear OD in the mornings.

I caught K.P. last night & belive it or not the Cooks were good fellows They helped us G.I. the floor & all in all helped out like all good cooks should. Even the mess Sgt helped us, he worked more than any mess sgt I ever saw. I really didn't mind that night of K.P. at all.

You see evey other night I get some kind of detail & then I sleep the next day. It makes it pretty hard to stay a wake at night but if you keep busy it's not too bad. We should get off one of thee days soon because there a new bunch here & they will probable take over for us. 

You know I got up enough strength this evening to wash some cloths. I don't know how I did it but I did. I guess one reason is no one would wash them for me & I had to do something to get clean ones. Maybe some day I'll get to a camp where they have a laundry & I won't have to do them. It hasn't killed me yet – but I am expecting to pass out any minent.

Well maybe I ought to close now & get some more sleep. I only slept all day but I need it. 


Victory girls, also called khacki-wackies, good-time Charlottes, or patriotutes, came around bases to, ...ahem, raise soldier's spirits.  ...I'll let tell you more. 


June 12 1944
Dear Margaret
Am sending you a picture Jack ask me to send you. They were not finished before he left. 
I suppose he is still in Lincoln. I did not hear from him today but when he last wrote they were waiting to be assigned. Some of the group were shipping to Clovis – wouldn't it be nice if he did?
We are looking for Margaret and Son Peter Jeffery Friday morning on No 3. And are all excited as you would expect us to be.

Will enclose Jack address.
Love Neva M. Eutsler. 

 June 26 1944

Dear Maggie

Well here I am again, moved in to the hot old state of Okla. It's so hot here they don't have to dehidrate any of the food it's that way when they harvest it. It's so hot you can't even sleep at nights.

We arrived here Sat night around 5 but had a dislike for the place right from the start. From what they tell us we are in for a lot of hard work & not much play. Of course evey thing is work for me. They told us what was expected of us & etc. We are suppose to be here for about 10 weeks & then we are to pick up our plane. 

We have all of our crew here except the bombardier & the Navigator. We are supposed to get the bombede soon but don't know exactly when. The fellows seem like a good bunch & I guess I'll be able to get along with them. The radio man reminds me of Bailey & sort of get under my hide. he tries to take over evrey thing including the pilot. The pilot is just 20 & the co pilot is 23. The radio & armor are around 29, the engineer around 23 & 2 gunners like my self are only 18 & 19. I guess all in all they are as good of a bunch as can be expected.

We are supposed to start flying the 29th but I wouldn't swear to it because the army is always changing my mind so Ill just wait and see.

They gave us a class A pass right off the bat & I just about took off for town, a few minets ago when I heard we had another formation. I was going to take off & get a early start but when I heard about the formation I thought I better stay here.

We were in town last night but didn't do any thing. They want too much for whiskey around here, 6.50 a pt. & 11.50 a qt. They didn't have any beer in town last night all sold out, so we just walked around to see what the place looked like. They have some very pretty homes here & it looks like theres quite a bit of money in town.

Well I guess I'll close now & get some sleep
Jack had just had his 21st birthday a month prior. 

Whiskey at $6.50 a pint and $11.50 a quart? That would be $98.63 and $174.50 today! 
From Gram's cache:

Saturday, May 15, 2021

Early June, 1944 (Maggie)

June 2 1944  
Dear Maggie
Don't be too surprised at getting a ^ nother letter from me, because I am in that certain mood to try to write letters. I guess it's because I was home & I get to thinking of different things that have happend. Gee I sure wish we could go out like we use to but I guess those times are gone – at least for some time to come. I don't think I ever had so much fun as we use to have when we would go out. From what I take Wayne is having a lot of fun too but he still looks back. 

I haven't heard from Wayne in some time but that guy is too busy running around with his wemen to write I guess. He always writes & asks why I haven't written sooner but I write one letter answering his & then another asking him to answer mine. It seems like evey time he writes he tells me about some new girl he met in some town. It wouldn't surprise me if he spends his furlough there in the east but he may fool me. As I have said befor they are going to be his down fall. 

We went up to listen to a few lectures this morning, it was all about combat. I guess they want to get us use to the idea we will be going into combat soon. I don't think much of the idea but the war wasn't my idea either. They tell us what we should do if this happens & that happens. They showed us what we would use if we were forsed down over certain areas & such. 

We went from the lectures to chow & then right off the bat had a formation to get payed. I didn't have a chanch to even get back to the barracks. I did get off about 3 oclock though so it was bout evened things up. I don't know how they figure it but it seems to me they payed me too much money but I ain't one to tell them about it. It seems like I am running out of ink so if I have to start writing in a different color all of a sudden don't think it's too funny.

We have been having wonderful weather – hot. I sure seems a lot hotter than it is – because of the moisture. Its so damp here it reminds me of the coast – when you get up in the morning your cloths are all damp. Thats one thing I don't like is cold damp cloths.

Here it is I mean the different color ink. it looks like theres too much ink on the point. 

I heard to day that Clovis was made into a B29 school – I thought maybe I would go there but if it has been changed I won't go there. We did find out we will be stationed for our training in this neck of the woods. Most of the camps are right through this part, in Nebraska & Kansas & then a few are in all the surrounding states. There are 2 in Colo I would like to go to but they are for B24.
Everyone in the Barracks are worried of bout furloughs. they haven't gotten them yet & are afraid they won't get them. In fact they are almost certain they won't. I guess thats one worry I don't have . There is a hot rumor that we are going to get another one here but I almost don't belive it. That's almost what you would call wishful thinking. 

Well have you moved yet & are you planning another move. You move all most as much as I do. I often wondered why you had a P.O. box but it finally sunk in, you don't like the mail following you all over. That reminds me one of the fellows got a couple of letters that just caught up with him only 2 months old.
I told you I was in the mood to write tonight. If you just write one as long in answer I'll be more than satisfied. I guess I should kick though you really write a longer letter than I do.

Louie is still out in Wash – that is the last I heard from him. He writes me almost as often as Wayne does. The only trouble is Louie never writes a darn thing. He did write and tell me he was back in IA. I told him to stay out of it if possible but he will probable jump at the chanch to get in. He'll be sorry if he does get in though. There I go again pounding the army down again. I guess I shouldn't talk that way about my Uncle Sam, but I'll still settle down to civilian life again.

Say do your 2 girl friends till live with you or have they moved out.

Well I am all through now so Ill stop 

Write soon

Love Bill

It makes sense that the training camps were in the middle of the country. Less chance of being attacked by the enemy. 

 June 7 1944

Dear Maggie

I recived your letter this moon so while I am waiting to fall out I'll try to answer it. It's raining now so we are hoping against hope we won't have to fall out. 

I was suppose it have some kind of detail this morning & while we were marching to get there I got sidetracked. I dont know what they did but they never had my name so they don't know what I did.

I had guard duty the other night & like to have froze to death. I had my feild jacket & overcoat on & was still cold. I had to guard the bunk, which is a little, or was, one room school house. I would walk around it in about 30 sec & then sat down wondering what I could do to keep awake. A couple of times I went to sleep standing up & when I woke up I would be scared enough to stay awake for a few minents. 

Well I have to fall out so will continue latter

We had to go out & stand in the rain & listen to the news. We get 5 minents a day of news rain snow or shine. When we got through we fell out & came back to the barracks. Now all I have to do is set around till 5:30 & then go on a nother night detail – all night – then sleep all day tomorrow. 

I don't know if ma has gotten the pictures or not but Ill write to her & ask her about them


I just bought my self a pipe, a kid had a good one he had never smoked & needed some money so me I drove a hard bargain & got it cheep.

So your Bro. got demoted from a First Sarg, to buck private – that's rough. I don't like Sgt but I personally think he got a darn dirty deal. I know if it was me I would be a very poor solder from then on. Some one probable had it in for him was the reason. 

So you finally heard from dear ol Malc. thats quite a surprise. I have kept writing Wayne for her address but he never has sent it to me yet. Don't you belive that about me not writing Wayne either because its like I said. He just dosn't got it in him to write much. I usually get him to write by telling him how easy he has it that makes him blow up & maybe gets around to writing. 

You ask what kind of a plane I fly in well – I should fly in a B17 but will probable stuck in one of those flying box cars (B24): I haven't been assigned to a crew yet thats that I am writing on here. We will make up our crew here & then go to some other field for our training. From what I hear we will be in training for about 9 weeks & then across the pond we go. We were expected to go England but from the looks of things we will probable go to the S. Pac. Me I would like to go to Panama – it's nothing but patrol down there & you get your flying pay plus your over seas pay. Another thing you don't have to worry about being shot at. I don't suppose I could be so lucky to get any thing like that though. I am so lucky you know. 


I notice its still raining out by the water running under the walks on to the floor. Every time it rains the beds darn near float out. Oh well if we are still here around harvest we will wish we had some of this rain. I don't belive I ever saw such cold weather this time of the year in all the time I lived around this neck of the woods. I don't know if I told but Concordia is only about 150 miles from here so the country & weather is about the same.

Well what do you think of the invasion personally I think it's the big turning point in the war. At least we can see where we are starting to get some place. Some of the fellows think the war in Europe will be over in 3 months I hope so. Those infantry are the ones who should get the credit. They are the ones who really win a war – the air corp just helps. Don't get me wrong I still would rather fly than walk. You know how I like to walk, it's alright when you dont have to go any place & have plenty of time to get there.

Well I guess I better close now so write soon


P.S. I noticed you addressed my letter as Pvt didn't I tell you I was promoted or demoted to a Pfc. I haven't sewed the strip on yet so you can see what I think of it. It's a laugh. 

Finally! We get Jack's thoughts about the war. He didn't say anything about Normandy to his mother. Here are his letters to her during early June, 1944. 


Wednesday, May 12, 2021

May, 1944; OK, now who is Joe?? (Maggie)

Special Guest Writer today! Lt. Joe!

May 1, 1944

Dear Marge,

Guess you never expected to hear from me again, did you? Well this will be short and sweet because I have only a few items that I want to convey to you.

First, I happened to have an extra print of the enclosed picture and rather than destroy it I figured that Mary or Gwen or you might like to have it. Am I right?

Second, you told me I was getting cruel and ruthless when I got my bars. Well, maybe you are right but I am in a combat crew now and my brother officers are all about the same way. Each man thinks he is the best damn pilot or navigator or bombardier or copilot as the case may be. Our enlisted men respect us and feel it a privilege to work with us and this competitive spirit shows results in coordinated teamwork results. So I am conceited and power mad but so are my fellow workers on this B-24.

Say hello to LaRue and to her mother as well as the others that I met. 

I should leave this country in a couple months. 

Your arrogant lieutenant
and in Marge's handwriting:
Lt. J.S. Laski 0768862
302nd Bomb. Group - Processing Unit
Chatham Field, Georgia


It's been a few weeks since Jack has written....


May 19, 1944

Dear Maggie

Well belive it or not but I got a furlough & am home. We shipped out of Vegas a week a go last Monday for Lincoln Nebr, we got there on Thurs. morning & they told us we would get furloughs. We left there Sun & I got here Mon at midnight. We don't know how long we will be there but probable only 3 to 5 days.
I haven't been doing anything since I got here just lay around & take it easy. There isn't any one around here any more to go out with. The old town is just as dead as evere if not more so. I guess the reason I think is dead becaus of the way we use to go out. 
The folks got a letter from Wayne today but as usal he is just running around with wild women in the big city. I got him half mad at me so making fun of Sgt & instructors. He wrote & informed me that his life wasn't easy.
It sure was good to get out of Nev & it's heat, in Neb it's hot but there are some green things around not desert. I got so tired of that place I was ready to call off the whole war. (as if I wouldn't any way!
We are in Lincoln to get our combat crew, we will get them & train for about 2 or 3 months & then go over the big pond. I guess this will probable be the last time I get home. 

They were really layin it on hot & heavy at Vegas befor we left, we were getting up at 4 AM & getting to bed around 9-10.

We would fly about 4 hours a day & when we get through we would be so worn out we were ready to go to bed. Me I don't care much about flying, I would rather take a trip in a car. Don't get me wrong though I just love to fly – when it comes to walking or marching. I guess maybe it is better when you are doing some thing besides flying over the desert. We did fly over Bolder Dam & the Grand Canyon & that broke the monety for a while. 

Say is there any chance of you comming up here if there is I sure would like to see you. I'll be here until about the 28. I have to be back the 30. Zorn said some thing about going to Alb. but you know how he is but if I get a chanck Ill come down.


May 31 1944

Dear Maggie

I guess you see I didn't get to Albuquerque. Gee I am sorry I didn't come down but I decided when it was to late, maybe I'll get another furlough befor I go over the pond & if I do I'll come down. 

I got back here yesterday after noon & since then they have run us around so fast we still haven't caught up with our selfs. They put us to work just after we got in camp & then today we processed. We did as much here today as you will do in most camps in 3 or 4 days. We had a clothing show down, a physical, a interview, a reissue of clothing & etc. The physical was suppose to be a 64 but they ran us through so fast it was like the one we were inducted with. They stamped on our papers we were re o.k. for combat service, that made me happy. We were also issued or tin hats so the war is getting a little more realistic.

I didn't do much while home, no one to do any thing with. There just isn't any one home to do any thing with. Belive it or not but I never get got drunk while home, I started to once but never finished the job. 

I spent a little time in Denver on the way back. I ran into some of the boys & we started to rip the town open but hardly got started when we had to leave. All in all I was a good boy while home. 

It is so hot here we don't know if we will live or not. We sweat all the time & the way they run us around doesn't help us any. It is so damp that it seems hotter than it really is. Every thing is so green there though it makes it a little nicer. It is quite a change from Nevada. 

If you get a picture of "little me" don't blame me I haven't seen them. I told Ma to send it to you, but dont hold your breath till they get there. They made me have them taken while I was home, it wasn't my idea.

Well I have some shoes to shine & cloths to hang up so maybe I better close. You see I don't have a maid or any one to do it & have to do all the work my self.

Write soon


P.S. They tell us we will be here for about 12 days – me I am ready to ship now.
Here are Jack's letters home during May, 1944:





Sunday, May 9, 2021

March, 1944: Las Vegas Army Gunnery School (Maggie)


March 14, 1944

Dear Maggie

Well here I is. I don't quite know how I got here but.I am. We got notice Friday we are shipping Mon then Sat they told us to get ready we were shipping Sun morning. Well we rushed around getting stuff together & then stood around to wait. We left Denver around 1 oclock Sun after noon & got here Tues (this morning) around 3 oclock. We had a very dull trip we only had 1 one chanch to get off the train & that was at Salt Lake City we had the whole sum of 15 min to be off. It snows on us all the way here so that made things that much nicer. I also got K.P. the 2nd meal & my O.D's could be boiled & made soup out of. 

We found out we are going to be gunners & that we won't go to a teck school. When we get through here in about 8 or 9 weeks we will be through have our wings -- if we make it, and get a 15 day delay in route. We will then get with the rest of the crew & get ready to go over. When we get though here they say they give us the whole sum of 1 strip. Personally I say they they can jam it all I want is the money.

The Camp here is a whole lot nicer than Buckley at least thats that I say now. The barracks a 2 story job and are constructed a little nicer than the.others. Also the chow seems to be a while lot nicer not so much slop. It does look like it could get darn hot her & it also looks like the dust blows quite a bit. 

We never went through the town of Las Vegas but from what the fellows say "Little Bill" better not go in. He's liable to get drunk & they say its a rough town. I guess we don't get too many passes so I won't worry about it too much. We didn't do any thing to day except carry our barracks bags about a ½  mile to let them check our cloths. I had every thing so it made me made to have to do it. Thats all I can do is to carry that thing any way & thats all I have been doing since we heard we were shipping. 

We don't know how long we are going to stay in this student pool but we probable won't be here over a week or 2 at the most – I hope. I want to start to school and get it over with as soon as possible. The way they are closing every thing down they may close this down befor we get a chance to get through. 

Oh yes I told you I might ship across well the bunch I should have been with are at the P.O.E. now so I guess I was rather lucky not to have shipped out with them. 

Well I guess its about time for the lights to out so so I'll close for now. 


March 20

We May be I ought to get on the ball & mail this. I got side tracks on I.P. for 2 ½ days & on top of that I think I caught the flue. I sure have been feeling miserable evey since I went on K.P. I guess they think I like K.P. or some thing because it seems like evey time they put up a list my name is on it. 

We start to school some time today so in 7 weeks we should be getting all packed & ready to go home. (I hope) 

Well we have to fall out in a few minents so I better close


March 29 1944

Dear Maggie

I got a letter you wrote & was sent to Buckley so I guess you didn't have my address when you wrote you. I guess you recived a letter from me since I arrived here haven't you. If I rember correctly I wrote one. 

I have started to school, infact I have gone 3 days now & had one test. The time goes rather fast while we are in class but the days sure do drag. It seems like we have gone for at least 3 weeks by now. We are studying the 50 cal machine guns in craft reconition and sighting. It sure makes my head swim the way they go over that stuff. They go over it so fast & expect you to get it all but me most of it drifts right on over my head. Oh well I guess may be I'll make the grade.

Eveyone is in a very good mood to night we were just informed that we didn't get 15 day delay enroute. That made eveyone feel very unhappy then on top of that we got eat out about the barracks being dirty. We also had a hard day including exercise period. Infact you can't talk to any one with out them start griping about something – including me. 

You ask me to get Mal. address for you, I imagine Wayne has it so I will write him & ask him for it. You might have to wait a while because He writes me on the avg. of once in 2 months. I don't know if I told you or not but Mal. was back to see him not too long ago. I guess the folks were scared he was going to marry her – but he didn't. From what I hear he is having quite a time the last few months. 

Well belive it or not but I went into town on my first pass in 6 weeks & didn't even attempt to get drunk. This town is quite a town, all gambling houses & drinking joints. I spent the whole sum of $1 while in there, but I only stayed about 2 hours. 

We didn't have time to do much & we had to get up at 4:45 the next morning so I was a good boy. They Tell us we will get only one more pass while here so I guess I won't have to worry too much about doing in. 

I never saw so much silver money in all my life as I didn't while I am there. Every thing is silver, and I don't like it.

Well Ill close for tonight & try to finish this tomorrow morning. 

Well we got up at 4:30 this morning & I am sleepy. I have done gone & eaten & made up my bed – swept the floor mopped & shined my shoes, & its only 6:00. I think I have done a good days work befor I have even started the day. This is about all the time we will have to our selfs now untill we get off tonight. 

The weather up to yesterday has been rather chilly. Yesterday turned up like 


Well this will probable look funny but over look it the time.

The weather was warm about 2 weeks a go then it turned off cold. I was even tempted to put on on my long underwear. If it had been clean I probable would have. 

Well we will be able to start wearing out suntans Sat but if it doesn't warm up I dont think too many fellows will. I don't think I will like to wear them from what I have seen of them. They get all messed up too easy & don't look very nice after you have used them once. 

You ask about that sailor, no I haven't found out who it was. Infact very little of that stuff he told me has been the truth or should I say has come out right. The fellow who told me all that stuff is here in the hospital & will be there 3 months. Me I think the is bucking for a discharge – not that I blame him much. 

Well we have to fall out in a few minents so I better close. 


Monday, May 3, 2021

Feb-Mar 1944: Bathtime hijinks (Maggie)

 Feb 19, 1944
Dear Maggie
This is Sat. night & belive it or not but I am staying in camp tonight, & it's not because I don't have a pass its just because so there too. I did go to town last Sat night & had quite a time. We had a couple of shots of whiskey & then bought a qt of Rum & a qt of Vodka. Well we killed those & went to a dance (I still dont dance) & started drinking beer. I don't know how we ever got in or how we ever stayed there. They had a cop stationed at the door & a couple of M.P.s there but we didn't have any trouble. We had a hotel room so when we got there I decided to take a bath it was only 3 A.M. A couple of the fellows came in & started washing my hair. They finally went out, they also turned the light out & shut the door. I had the idea I would drownd so I really crawed out. I wen to bed & they said I ask for a drink so one of them brought over the rum bottle & finished pouring it on my face. It burnt like the devil so I got a towel & had it about wiped off when they brought a pitcher of water over to wash it off. Well they poured it all over my head & all in all I got a nice cold over it. The next morning I thought a mad Russian had hit me in the head with a axe it's the worst head ach I have ever had – me I have sworn off.

I thought you knew better than to drink my wine. That stuff will kill you – if you remember what it use to do to "little Bill" Me I never touch wine any more one of the fellows said he wanted a bottle of wine last night but I finally talked him out of it. 

You made some crack about the sarg making me hurry up – well you weren't just kidding. They are always riding me a bout lagging while we are marching but I just can't help it because I am slow. I also got bawled out by a officer on the drill field just because I was smirking. I was just thinking how silly the things we were doing & he caught me. That one thing I like about the army you aren't supposed to think & I can't come to realize it. 

You wish you could have a few more Sat nights like we use to, well you aren't alone. I sure wish I could go out like we use to again, maybe after the war we can get together again I hope, or may be sooner. That is if Wayne doesn't get married, I half way think he might later on. You said we ought to tell him they ain't worth it (women I mean) I think he ought to know it after what happnd to him but I guess he doesn't. 

Well my first week of basic is over now so I only have 15 more days that is if I can take it. The first few days were sure tough on me. I would come in & just hit the sack & try to rest. My poor old [___] aren't as young as they use to. They just want to make me tough & I don't want to be tough I just want to me "little Bill" I did hit a buddy of mine, who is 6'-6", & really laid him on the floor. He is so tall about all I could reach was his chest & I let him have it, see I am getting mean.

Some times this army has its brighter moments like one of the fellows just now. He is sewing P.F.C. strips on one of the fellows cloths because the fellow is trying to get a head by acting smart & etc. There is always something  happening in the barracks but still I would rather be a good old civy.

Say what does your roommate look like you never did tell me, not that I am interested but the army has made me want to know what all of these guys ^ girls look like. 

Some of these fellows really get mad at me for wanting to read letters from there best girls. I guess its not right but some of them are really all right, they ought to make a book out of them. Don't get me wrong I don't let them read my mail but some of theres is really good reading.

I was telling you about sewing P.F.C strips on the guys cloths, well he is sewing up the buttons of the guys pants now. He is doing a good job of it too even If I have to say so myself. 

Talking about sewing I got all my sholder patches sewed on now & I think I did a good job of it too but thats just my opion against the whole barrack. Thats where a woman is nice. 

I have my income tax filled out now so all I have to do is mail it. Belive it or not they owe me the whole sum of $12. I really think they owe me more but the way I filled it out thats all it comes to so I'll let it go at that.

Say how on earth does anyone read my writing I sure can't but I guess it's all right.

I heard a new rumor the other day to the effect that we get shipped over seas for our training. One fellow I know is going either to Australia or England. If I cam shipped I hope I go to Austriala.

You ask about how my fortune came out well it hasn't worked out up to yet so I don't know what to think. I guess it's all right but I still am doubtful.

Everyone has gone to town tonight & the barrack sure is quiet infact too quiet to suit me there isn't a whole lot doing.

Well may be this is enough for a while so write soon


March 6 1944
Dear Maggie 

I recived your letter so will try & answer it while the barracks are 1/2 way quiet. Every one is out eating the slop they call food so it will be peaceful ? for a while.

You tell me I ought to stop my drinking  –  well I have. I havent been drunk since the last time I wrote you. Infact I have only been in town once in 3 sundays & then it was only for about 6 hours. A week a go Sunday I had a pass but no money last Sunday I didn't even get a pass. We are on the alert so couldn't go any place. We are expecting a shipping list out so we can't do any thing. I can't even turn in my laundry. We expect to leave this week some time & also get a 15 day  delay in route which will be very nice.

We went out on biovac last week & stayed the whole sum of 3 days. They darn near starved us and, we nearly froze to death to top that off. We were sleeping in tents, 6 of us, with one little stove. My head was out the flaps about half the time so I had a nice cold over the deal. We also had to crawl 60 yard while they were firing machine guns over our head & land mines blowing up on each side of us. I survived o.k. but was a muddy mess when I got through. I made some of the fellows mad because I talked to them as we were crawling, they didn't seem to like my cracks

We were having wonderful weather & then all of a sudden it started snowing then to top that off the wind has been blowing the roof of the place. Evey place & thing is covred with dust which makes it nice.

Well I can't think of much more to write & I also have a few things to do as usual so will close


We sure are learning more about Jack and Maggie, aren't we?
Here are Jack's letters to Gram during this period:

Mid-February 1944: Basic Training Begins & What About Wayne?
March, 1944: Biovac, Guns, and getting ready to ship

Sunday, May 2, 2021

Jan-Feb 1944: Chatty Bill (Maggie)


Margaret had stapled Bill's address to the top of the letter.

Jan 25, 1944

Dear Maggie

I guess I ought get out of this lazy spell (or is it tired) and answer your letter while I have a little time.

Well I didn't make cadets but from what I found out I must have been right on the border because they told me if they ever lowered the standards I would get a chance. I guess at the present I am a gunner I don't know what kind but will probable find out in a few days. Oh well I wanted to be gunner any way & I'll try to make the best damn gunner the army ever saw.

You ask where Wayne was stationed he is still in Maryland he has been there evey since he left Fort Bliss. You also ask If I knew where Bergy is the lat I heard from Wayne, Wayne saw him in Baltimore & I guess he was going to school there.

We went out last Sat night & no kidding you really should have been with us we really threw a big on. We rented 2 hotel rooms & had a gay time. From as near as we can recall it must have cost around $175 for the night but I think it was worth it. Evey time you opened the door the fumes would make you drunk all over a gain. All in all I got about 5 hours sleep in fact I am still tired from the thing. 

Please don't remind me of the good old days of "Deep in the Heart of Texas." I was not just a kidding but it really makes me sort of home sick every time I hear it played. I think about all the good times we use to have but after this mess is over we will get together won't we?

I don't know if you have heard but Wayne has a new Flame that lives in Ind. I thought may be he had gotten married but he wrote & said he didn't but he did have me guessing for a little while. 

So you like your job well that's swell but don't get mixed up in your work too much Just what do you do you never wrot just what you did.

You ask how I get along in the army with my talking well theres about 50 to the barracks so I can always corner some one to talk to so there too. If I ever get another chance I'll really talk both your arms off. 

We have a new set up, we have been getting guard duty 2 hours a day for 2 days & on the 3rd we get 4 hours & a pass evey night. The only trouble is we don't make quite enough money to go in to town over once or twice a week so we just stay home & save our money for Sat night. Oh well at least we won't draw K.P. as long as we have it this way.

Say while I am thinking about it won't you please send me a picture or a snap shot or some thing on the order of your self. I really would like to have one so please do so. 

I guess that's about all for the time being so please write Soon as we never know when we will be shipped

Love Bill 

$175 for a party?! Wow! They spent the equivalent of $2664 today! What a bash!

Here's the letter where he tells Gram about the party. We learned a little more today!

Hmmmm....I wonder if "Deep in the Heart of Texas" was "their song." 

Feb 7, 1944

Dear Maggie

I got your letter this morning so while I am trying to keep off detail I'll try to write you a letter. I may have to do like you mentioned in your letter only I won't stuff it in a draw & get busy. Me I'll just grab my shirt and run for the back door. It really is a hard job trying to keep off detail in the army but I have been pretty lucky so far. A fellow told me about my future this morning & told me I would get into some kind of trouble the next 2 weeks, he also said I couldn't avoid so I'll just set here an see if he was correct or if he was just trying to score one.

He came over and told me all about my self last night while I was on my bunk. He also described several of my friends that I use to know & also told me what one of my sisters looked like. He also told me some girl I know has been going out with a sailor & I don't know who it could be is it you? I am trying to check to see how correct he is. He also told me I would be going over seas in Oct – that might be a guess, & that I would have one head injury but out side of that I would come out of it o.k. He also told me I would get married about 3 months after I was 21 but he thought I was about 19 so that may be a year off. Don't get me wrong I haven't fallen for a lot of mind reading & such but if the things he has told me turns out to be true I'll have a lot more fath in fortune telling than I have had. 

So they really have been spending money on you – you ought to tell them not to spend so much that they go broke doing it. But more power to anyone who can get any one to loosen up and spend some money on them now. I sure can't get the government to spend any on me now. I guess they figure they have given me too much all ready. You know I have been paid by the Government for the last 3 years, N.Y.A. Navy yard and the dear old army.

Personally I would even take the N.Y.A. to the army any day of the week and twice on Sundays. at least you could tell them what you think in the N.Y.A. but not in the army. In army you aren't supposed to think & thats my trouble I try to think too much. At least I think I think – if you get what I mean.

You made cracks about me getting sick when I do out – I want you to know I haven't gotten sick for at least 2 years. I guess I just learned how much I could drink with out getting sick. The last time I went out with Louie he was the one to get sick & little me I had to drive him home and did I laff at him. He was always bragging that I was the one to get sick so I showed him. No I haven't been on any partys since the last one, one reason because I didn't get a pass this week & didn't go out last week. I can't afford very many partys like that from now on though. I got paid last week, & belive it or not I'll be getting $16 a month from now on. Its hard to take after making that much on one day of over time. Oh well may be some day I'll get some strips and a little more pay. If I make gunner Ill get a corp rating after I get out of armor school & then make sgt after I get out of gunners school. Then when I go over seas I'll make at least S/sgt. Thats thats what they tell me any way. 

So you are going to get another dog I don't know about that, if you remember about the last one & how much trouble it was. I guess you were the one to take care of her at that werent you.

That reminds me Malc. is planning on going back & seeing Wayne in the near future & Wayne just got throug fixing it up with the Indiana girl about a blond in N.Y. I imagine he will have some more explaining to do. That guy will never learn about women will he?

Say where is your bro. been stationed latley you never did say & I am wondering. You allso say you hope he never hopes to fight the Jap's well heres another Joe who hopes he doesn't have too either, When they ask me what theater of war I wanted to fight in I said European & Ill stick with it. I have heard too much about the japs from the sailors who have seen action 

You ask about Waynes car it is still parked in the barn at home. He had a chance to sell it but wouldn't said he would keep it till after the war so may be we can go out in it agin. 

He & I also plan on building a house after the war is over we haven't quite decided where we want it but it will be out in the mountains where we can have peace & quite. I really think it's a good idea what about you? It will be a duplex (I guess that the way you spell it) and will be on the on the spanish style. 

You ask about a picture I think I have some in my foot locker & will send you one if I rember it when I get back. I forgot to tell but the barracks got to hot & I had to leave – I was afraid that they would want me for some detail so I left in a hurry. They came in & got about 8 fellows just befor I left. 

They didn't give us passes Sat because we are suppose to be on the alert. They are shipping a bunch out & we have to be ready, I sure hope I ship from here even though it's only to Lavery, thats only 5 miles from here but they have permanent barrack. He we have to go about a 1/2 block when we have to go & have to carry coal the same distance. Also the food is poor as I may have said befor.

The last few days we have had wonderful spring weather infact it made every thing muddy Sat. We had to go out on parade Sat afternoon & it sure was nice mud ankle deep & we had our O.D.s on. When we got back we were coverd with mud from head to foot & the marching looked wonderful. No one could keep his footing although no one fell down we couldn't have gotten much mudder if we had of. 

Well I guess Ill close now so write soon. 


P.S. I'll send you this picture of Florence & me Hope you like it

the address is 769 – I think you had it 761 or something because the letter did get her on tine & had a bunch of writing on face of it. 

Whew! For what Jack lacks in frequency, he makes up in volume in his letters to Maggie! Chatty!

Postcard postmarked DENVER FEB 12 1944

Dear Maggie, 

I am just droping you a line to let you know of a change of address We moved again & evey tine we move our mail get about 2 weeks behind. It has been cold here & it tried to snow the other day – while we were moving & I darn near froze to death. I guess I have been out in colder weather but I don't know when. We havent been doing any thing since we moved but lay around. which I like to do best. We will start our basic Mon so may be I'll need the rest, but in doing it I am getting lazyer than ever. Well I have run out of space so will close
